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Jay Ann Braddock

I'm twenty and I live in Evanston, just north of Chicago. I live on in the Noyes neighborhood, which is a great little place. We have a cafe, a restaurant, a laundromat, a couple delis, a barber shop, a guitar shop, a family-run grocery store that has absolutely everything, and an arts center. I'd never bother coming here if I didn't live here, but I'm glad I do. I live with my gray bunny Twyla and two very nice roommates, who are always gone because they have boyfriends.
I go to Northwestern University; I'm a junior in the comparative literary studies program, with a concentration in poetry and a minor in linguistics. I have no clue what I'll do with it.....I just know I'll be writing. For now I work as a writing tutor at the university. I'm trying to be more serious about school this year.....we'll see how long that lasts.
I have short dark hair and the only green eyes in my family. I'm five-foot-six. I'm cynical but optimistic. I'm quiet but not at all shy. I'm Irish and British, which gets confusing but I balance it out. ;) I'm pretty smart but you'd never realize it from talking to me.
I watch lots of tv. I wear jeans or cords and thin sweaters. I I wear jewelled clips in my hair. I don't chew gum. I believe in God. I'm not afraid of much and I don't regret anything.