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Leah 1: a poem by Shirley Kaufman: 88 x 50 cm.
sumi and gouache on paper

Leah 2: a poem by Shirley Kaufman: 95 x 60 cm. sumi and gouache on paper.
This piece was recently exhibited at the Frye Museum in conjunction with Letter Arts Review at the American Poetry Exhibition.

KOTSK: Sayings from the Kotzker Rebbe: 39 x 47 cm. gouache and ink on paper

(with text: "Man must renew himself constantly- Rebbe Nachman"):
gouache on paper 25 x 65 cm.
This piece will also appear in Letter Arts Review's upcoming "annual" edition.

Rav Kook: Quartet. gouache,ink and paladium leaf on paper
this large panel hangs at the Yakar Synagogue in Jerusalem

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