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<disclaimer>Welcome to Ignotz Land the site that has no overall purpose other than a testing ground for my frolicking in HTML and my own ego inflation.</disclaimer> 

Here I am again, just added some navigational buttons for a search, (kind of works), e-mail (incase you want to offer me a job) and a guestbook which for the moment is not available to be publically viewed (yup).

February 23, 1999

Well, it has been a couple of weeks since I have messed with my page. It just seems that I do not have enough time (ie attention span) to work on this page that much. I shall force myself to at least change a word or picture at least once a month, from now on (yeah, right!)

February 4, 1999

This site has just started its third month of existence and gone through two complete layout and one major graphical change. I guess I have more free time than I thought. I am pretty happy with the site now so I am not expecting to change the structure for a while. I have been told that I am my own worst critic and I can live with that, but existing in the same realm with some things I have done I have some trouble with. Anyway, take a look as I periodically add things to the different sections whenever the mood hits me.

February 2, 1999

Happy Groundhog Day! I have just heard the groundhog did not see his shadow. So Spring should be right around the corner. Although this winter has not been all that bad outside of a couple weeks of cold and 3 feet of snow in 48 hours. People are comparing this to the snow of 1978, only difference is back then it was fun because school was cancelled and my primary winter transportation was a sled.

Just a thought, I wonder if groundhog tastes good. 

February 1, 1999

Tomorrow is Groundhog's day, that special time of year where the news media will be chasing these critters all over the country looking for their shadow. Yet I have not seen PETA or any of these other psychotic animal groups complaining about this little 'holiday'.

You have to think of the ground hog's point of view. How would you like to walk out your front door on the way to work and end up slamming into a wall of people, camera flashes, microphones and camcorders. Just think about it.

This kind of publicity should be left to royalty and government interns, not our furry friends.

Ignotz Kramer


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