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Hi, welcome to Lakeview Kennels, or Lakeview for short. Lakeview has just opened our doggy doors for boarding, and other doggy things! Our boarding rate is currently the cheapest in GP at ONLY $25 a month!


  • Now Open! Cosmic Retrievers!
  • Congrats to NCh. Lakeview's Honey I'm Home (Crufts 2000 Best of Show) & PCh. Lakeview's Zorro (Crufts 2000 Reserve Best of Show)! Along with all the others!


    We offer the best care possible, and have Fun & Games everyday for all the dogs boarding! Each indoor kennel has a dog bed, silver food and water bowls, toys, a TV playing Animal Planet all day long, and anything else a dogs needs. Each kennel also has an outer-run, which is so the dog is able to get exercise. Each run is covered with a canopy. Our kennels are cooled in the summer, and heated in the winter! We also suggest that you have an old short or blanket of yours to give to your dog, so he knows you'll be back! Boarding costs $25 a month!!!! Ya better take advantage of that!

    So, You Want A Dog

    All of Lakeview's dog are guaranteed sound. After many tiring years of breeding, we've finally gotten out dogs sound. Besides a few chances of disease, our dogs are in great health! Our breeds, Goldens, Huskies, and Shepherds, are good for only certain types of people. All three are best in a home where they'll get lots of exercise and attention. Our dogs strive on attention, any mistreatment would break their hearts! These dogs need plenty of exercise, and need it at least twice a day. Now I just don't mean, I 15 minute walk here, 15 minute walk there, I mean an hour-hour and a half walk/jog at least twice a day! Now, this may have changed your mind, but you sure have to realize what you're working with!

    Lakeview's Dogs
    Lakeview's Girl Dogs
    Doggie Laughs
    Lakeview's Cattery
