Hanson Zone

Welcome to my page! I'm Dawn, I'm from good ole Chi-town, and I love Hanson.. and music and writing and Adam Sandler, but this is just a Hanson page, so Hanson fans, enjoy! <3 P.S. Don't forget to sign my guestbook at the bottom! I love new feedback!


Taylor is the pianist/organ/conga drum player in Hanson. He is known as the "cute, shy one." He is currently 17, born on March 14th, 1983. His full name: Jordan Taylor Hanson. Taylor is a Pisces. Taylor is fond of stomping his foot, creating infectious melodies, and toying with the hearts with millions of adolescent girls. His current nicknames: Tay, Tayles, Tay Tay, and "the girly one."


Zac is the drummer/percussionist in Hanson, and known as the "crazy one." Or as the author of "MMMBop to the Top" so aptly put it: 'The Ham on Wry One.' He is currently 14, born October 22nd, 1985. His full name: Zachary Walker Hanson. Zac is a Libra. Zac is fond of teasing their female fans, spraying water guns, allegedly dying in France, and eating lots of sugar. His current nicknames: Zac, Weirdo, Animal, and "Prozac."


Isaac is the guitarist in Hanson, and is known as "the sensitive one." Awww Ikey... He is currently 19, born on November 17, 1980. His full name: Clarke Isaac Hanson. Isaac is a Scorpio. Isaac is fond of making funny faces, doing funny voices, and being good at it!! His current nicknames: Ike, Ikey-poo, Chewbacca, Clarke-Bar, the missing link. Disclaimer: I really like Hanson. I am not insulting them. Honestly.

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Go to my Hanson Appearances Updates
Go to a info and lyric page on Boomerang and MMMBop.
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Go to Taylor's Fact Page
Go to Isaac's Fact Page
Go to Zac's Fact Page
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