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Chapter 8 - Until Tomorrow

~*One month later...*~

"Jenn!" Ike called, quickly walking up the path to my house.

"Ike!" I waved, then tossed my leftover popsicle into the bushes. I hopped up from where I sat on my front porch to greet him. It had been a week since he had been able to come back to Chicago for a conference.

I started running, and didn't stop until I was swept up in his arms. I looked up and stared at his soft lips. He leaned down, our lips touching slightly, then pressing together until his tongue glided into my mouth. His arms were curved around my waist, and I let my hand rest on his ass.

When we parted, he said, "Wow....I should go away more often if everytime I come back I get greeted with a kiss like that." Ike smiled.

I took his hand and led him inside. He followed me up to my room. Ike surveyed my collection of CDs. "Boomerang? Where'd you get that?"

"Wha----?" I looked up from where I was making my bed. "Oh.....that. I go to Tulsa a lot with my dad on business, and I went there when Boomerang was out so I bought it."

"And you like it?" Ike seemed doubtful.

"Well, yeah. It's cute. Not exactly the most grown-up of lyrics, but cute. Especially that little rap of yours in 'Back to the Island."

"Ugh.....don't remind me," Ike tossed the CD in the garbage. "Why do you think we took it out of stores? Because it sucks."

"It's not that thousands of fans would pay a ton of money for it. Even the CDs like MMMTalk that you can buy at any online CD store for $10 they pay $100 for." I picked my CD out of the garbage.

"Yeah.....but I don't see why," Ike said. I continued making my bed but let out a scream when he came up behind me and gave me a squeeze in the sides.

I pushed him really hard so that he fell on the floor. He picked himself up slowly, rubbing his butt. "Ow.....that hurt," he complained.

"Well I'm not sorry. You know how ticklish I am," I pointed out.

"Fine, then we'll just have to find a spot where you're not ticklish......" he came over to me and gently pushed me down on the bed.


"Come on Jenn, I missed you....." He lay down next to me and buried his head in my neck.

I stared up at my ceiling. Look at I am with a teenage heartthrob giving me a hickey. I never thought this would happen... I turned my head so that our lips met. Ike rubbed my back and slowly his hand drifted up my shirt and grazed my breast.

I let him unclasp my bra and slide my tanktop off. He carressed me while I worked on undoing his belt buckle. I pulled it through the belt loops and unzipped his khakis. I found him to be wearing tight white briefs, which appeared amusing to me. Slipping my hand inside them, I felt him grow hard, aroused at my touch.

Ike began tugging on my skirt when I grew uneasy. I firmly pushed his hand away. "Ike.....maybe later okay?"

"No better time then now Jenn," Ike begged me with his eyes.

I hesitated before shaking my head. I pulled on my bra and shirt and stood up. "Not now Ike, please."

He zipped his fly and put on his belt. "Sure....whatever."

I could tell he was disappointed. I sat down on the bed, letting my feet dangle over the side. "Sorry," I mumbled.

Ike cupped my chin in his hands and lifted my face to meet his. "Don't be sorry, okay? Don't be. We have forever to do doesn't have to be now."

"Thanks." I kissed his cheek and stood up. "You said you had to go at 2 o'clock. That's in a few minutes."

Ike looked at his watch and sighed. "You're right. I have to go, but we'll go to Navy Pier tomorrow okay?"

"Sure." I walked him downstairs and kissed him goodbye. I meant for the kiss to be short but I let it linger longer than I had anticipated. Soon his hand drifted up to my chest and rested there. I kissed him passionately for a few more minutes while his hand rubbed me.

I felt my nipples grow hard and I knew where this was going to lead to. Ike felt my excitement and started to guide me to the couch when I gently lifted his hands from my breasts and whispered, " have to go remember?"

"Damn.....yeah I remember." He kissed me tenderly for a few moments. "Until tomorrow my sweet...."

I smiled and watched him leave. Until tomorrow....

All The Way To Albertane
You Are My Hope
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