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Chapter 10 - Trouble

I was happy that I'd finally get to spend time alone with Taylor. We walked off, and suddenly he grabbed me and pulled me behind the wall of a building. "Taylor, what're you doing?" I asked, but was answered with a soft kiss on the lips.

I giggled, as he pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We remained that way for a few minutes, until I sighed and buried my face in his neck. Taylor's long hair tickled my nose, but I didn't move.

His lips worked their way up and down my neck. Just then, he pulled away, looking at his watch.

"Uh-oh," he said, "we're going to be late for the movie at the IMAX theatre." [giant movie screen at Navy Pier]

"What movie are we seeing?" I asked.

"Does it matter? I didn't exactly plan on watching the movie, if you know what I mean," he told me, with a sly grin.

"Oh yeah Taylor, you're probably right, I don't know how I could possibly resist you in that dark room," I said sarcastically.

Then I took off, sprinting away, both of us laughing. Finally he caught up to me, out of breath. He hugged me to him, our arms around eachother, my head on his chest, his face buried in my hair.

I lifted my head, but didn't pull away, asking, "Taylor, that all you think of me?"

"What do you mean?" he said quizzically.

"I mean," I continued, "the attraction between us, like I'm just an object in some way that you're using, but not exactly. What you said about 'not watching the movie' before, like I'm a slut ofr something."

Taylor frowned, a hurt expression on his face. "No, no, no, I was just joking before. You're anything but a slut. You're a great person. I don't want to take advantage of you. Sometimes it feel like..." his voice trailed off.

"Like love?" I asked, choking out the work.

"Yes, I think...I love you Alex."

His eyes were so true, that I kissed him deeply, whispering in his ear, "Taylor, I love you too." Then without a word, we walked hand in hand towards the IMAX.

Taylor paid for the tickets, and when we walked inside, the movie had already started. Some nature film, it seemed. We sat in the back row. Taylor put his arm around me. Taylor turned to kiss me, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"No Taylor, not now, not here," I pleaded, gently pushing him away.

"It's okay, please," he said, and this time I let him kiss me. I relaxed and responded, slipping my tongue into his mouth. His fingers ran down my spine, then they moved to my front, and I felt his hand slip up my shirt.

I moaned softly, nibbling his ear, as he felt me. There was a tap on my shoulder, and I heard a deep voice say, "Oh no, not again." I turned to find an usher. "Come on you two, get up this is a very inappropriate thing to be doing here. I already caught two others doing the same thing a minute ago. Please come with me."

We got up and followed him out, only to find Jen and Ike staring ashamedly at the floor. "Now, I would appreciate it if the four of you would leave the IMAX immediately," he continued,"I won't report you, but if you ever decide to come back, please think about what happened today and don't do it again."

He went back into the theatre, and we walked outside. Suddenly we all burst out laughing.

"What was our crime," Ike said, "being teenagers?" We laughed for a little while more. Taylor suggested that as long as we were all together again, we may as well have an early lunch. Everyone agreed, giving in to their hungry stomachs, and walked off to find a place to eat.

All The Way To Albertane
You Are My Hope
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