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1.User is dead, thank u and goodbye!
2.Go away
3.User is here right now, but she's ignoring you!
4.The N/A next to my name means "not available." Keyword there
is "not."
5.If I'm not back in 5 minutes....just wait longer!
6.I'm either busy or ignoring you.
7.I'm away because I am trying to avoid someone I don't like. Please leave
a message and if I don't reply it's you.
8.Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people are mentally ill. Check 3 friends. If they are okay, you're it'
9.Please find the definition of  AWAY in the dictionary....!
10.User is definitely gettin'  some!
11.User has something better  to do than play with the computer. Ya know, he has real FRIENDS that don't have an '@'  in their name.
12.Go away!  You smell funny....
13.User ran for president
14.Listen I'm either not talking to anyone and yes that includes you or
I'm busy with someone more important.
15.Leave me a message...but only one....and make it short.
16.Hello you know the drill.... leave  your name, number, and date and
i will try* to get back to you.   *Hint, Hint
17.This person has performed an illegal operation, and will be shut down
18.The user you are trying to reach has gone on to be part of  something that he
calls a "life". Don't ask me what that is, I'm just a computer, however, I am
MUCH more interesting than that jerk...wanna talk?!
19.I'm not here right now. I'm never  here anyway, so what's the
difference....? Leave a message ..
20.Hi, I'm away from my system right now,  if you'd like to leave me a message,
please do so after the beep.
21.The human you have reached is not in service, please
check their pulse and try your message again. This is a recording.
22.What ever u do! DO NOT pust the "send" button!!
23.I'm away from my desk.... leave me a message and any spare
change you may have....
24.OUT OF MY MIND.......Back in 15 minutes
25. I know, it's hard to believe that I'mnot sitting here waiting for you to
call. At least let me know that you've taken the time to stop by. Leave me a
message, eh?
26.I'm hiding from you. If I really feel like it I might answer a message if
you leave one. It's called PMS freak!
27.User is having a heart attacke. leave him/her a msg...if she's/he's not dead,
u might  get an answer. thank u and goodbye
28.I have gone to find myself, if you should see me before I get back, please ask me to wait
29.I am in a meeting, hopefully I'll be out before I die.
30.I am writing an "N/A LIST". be back shortly.
31.You have reached a wrong number, please try again.
32.This user is unpluges. please try again later.
33.Leave me a message...please? oh come'on! just one..please..
34.N/A means the user doesnt want to talk to u! dont u get it!?
35.User is away...trying to find a life.
36.User has a headache....leave him alone!!
37.The user is away...ay....ay...ay...
39.User is with his REAL friends...from a REAL room...having a REAL chat
that doesnt include clicking!
40.User is away with his girlfriend. he wont be back soon...
41.This user is a nerd. he does not have a life. DO YOU?!
42.User is watching seinfeld...
43.The user will be back after these few commercials. STAY TUNE!
44.Hmm...user is thinking. do not disturb.
45.I cant see you... la la la la!... i didnt get this message! i'm not la la
46.User is playing with himself. u are not part of the program! GO AWAY
47.User is at the toilet.. he cant answer right now!...thank god.
48.Thank you for this lovely message... u are a kind man... now go away.
49.Hmm... what do u think? should u hit the SEND button?... u'r right, what
do u care the user is not even here and cant answer you...
50.N/A means not available... not available means not here...