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Come on in! Like the new panelling? Yeah, I got it for next to nothing when the Suds 'n' Suds closed down last week? You never went to Suds 'n' Suds? No loss. It was one of those Yuppie joints. Combination laundromat and singles bar. That might be fine up in Chicago, but we don't have any Yuppies around here. All we've got is Lenny Moon and his bunch and they just went over there and got drunk and forgot their skivvies in the Fluff-a-Dry. Next day they'd all be hung over and bitchin' about an underwear ring workin' the town.

So the S 'n' S shut down and sold off all their stuff. This here panelling worked out nicely. It only has a couple of bulgy spots and the sofa sets nice so's you can't even see the bullet holes from the time Delbert Jigg thought Lenny was up to the wild monkey pumpo with Delbert's wife.

A'course the manager of the trailer court don't need to know anything about this. If he thought I'd fixed up the place any, he'd raise the rent.

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