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Andy's Homepage

Hi! I'm Andy. You either you got here on accident or I asked you to come here either way your here. You probably know me and even if you don't You should. I am an 18 year old guy,and a Senior from Morton, llinois, Home of the Morton Potheads. I'm in Tae kwon Do, (I am a 2nd black belt!!!) Hapkido, (also a 2nd black) So if you wanna talk e-mail me or page me with the pager shown below or else go to Hell. Thank you Scrounge again and don't forget to sign my guestbook or else don't come back! I will try to work on this page....especially since I haven't done much but all the info at least is current as of 9/8/01

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Meet my Pikachu His name is Fred and he's a retard along with all the other Pokemon in which we sacrifice for no general reason. For fun I guess since Pokemon suck ass

This link does not work anymore so dun even bother clicking here.....someday I'll link it to somewhere but when that day comes....I'll tell you
Click HERE!

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