=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FABS.TXT Doc. Rev. 1.00 July 18th, 1997 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8888888888 d8888 888888b. .d8888b. 888 d88888 888 "88b d88P Y88b 888 d88P888 888 .88P Y88b. 8888888 d88P 888 8888888K. "Y888b. 888 d88P 888 888 "Y88b "Y88b. 888 d88P 888 888 888 "888 888 d8888888888 888 d88P Y88b d88P 888 d88P 888 8888888P" "Y8888P" The fourth Hugware program from ## .d888b. ## .d888b. d8P ######## 98b Y8b. ## .d8Y "Y88b. ## .d88Y" "Y8b.##.d8Y" "88##88" Y8b d8P##98b d8Y "Y888P" ## "9888Y" __. ._ , . __. ._ , (__ _ |,-+- _ . . _.|_ (__ _ |,-+-. , _.._. _ .__)(_)| | (_)(_|(_.[ ) .__)(_)| | \/\/ (_][ (/, File Contents: -------------- - Opening Blurb - Unarchiving the Program - Running the Program - Piping and Saving Text - Command Line Options - External Programs to Change the Output - Hugware? - Archive Files - System Requirements - Future Enhancements - Who is Softouch Software? - Don't Be Confused... - The FABS Homepage - Contacting Softouch Software - Revision History Opening Blurb ------------- Thank-you for downloading FABS, the fourth software release from Softouch Software. FABS is similar to Cuddle Coupons in that it is an ASCII-based program, and can be used to create banners in several styles using ASCII fonts, much the same way Figlet creates ACSII posters. The only font included in the FABS zipfile is STANDARD.BAN. A few more are available seperately for download on the fonts web page, and another package is also available with some utilities and files to help people who want to create their own fonts. If you create a font, I would appreciate it if you could send a copy to me (Sir_Isle@geocities.com) so that I can put it on the fonts webpage for others' use and enjoyment. Unarchiving the Program ----------------------- The zip file for this program does not contain anything fancy like directory structures, so to unarchive the program simply move it to the desired directory and run PKUNZIP on it. If you're reading this, it obviously worked. =) Running the Program ------------------- To begin the program, type FABS along with any command line parameters desired (these are discussed later). The cursor will move to a new line, but nothing will be printed on the screen (similar to Figlet), so if you pipe the output to a file, there isn't any garbage to remove at the top. The program takes one line of input, so after you type in the wording, the program prints the banner output to the screen and terminates. Piping and Saving Text ---------------------- FABS is designed to take only one line of text at a time. When you start the program, type in some text and press enter to see it on the screen (though if more than a few letters are typed, it will porbably start scrolling off the top). To capture the output to a file, use the right triangle bracket following by a file name to store the output in. For example: FABS > output.txt If you have the wording you want to bannerize saved in a file (say words.txt), you can pipe it through FABS and save the output by doing the following: type words.txt | FABS > output.txt This may be useful if you want to make a batch file that prints the same text out in different fonts, piping the results to different files so you can see which looks the best. Command Line Options -------------------- As the first full name of FABS implies, I have tried to make this program flexible and capable of different output styles. This has led to a number of command line parameters. By default, FABS uses the font STANDARD.BAN and centers the output. However, these and other default parameters defined in the font can be overridden from the command line. -? : prints help screen (other command line options are ignored) Yes, this option produces the same output as -h -a : replace all ASCII characters used to make a given letter with the letter itself i.e. ------ AAAAAA | \ A A | > becomes A A | / A A ------ AAAAAA -f fontname : specifies the name of the font to use. It is not necessary to type the filename extension as this must always be .BAN -fp character : specifies the character to be used as the primary fill character in fonts that support this feature. A fill character is a character in the font that can be replaced with another character when it is printed *note* To use a regular character for the fill character, say the letter X, type -fp X To use a space as the fill character, type -fp " " -fs character : specifies the character to be used as the secondary fill character in fonts that support this feature -h : prints help screen (other command line options are ignored). Yes, this option produces the same output as -? -jb : justify the output to the bottom (left side of the screen) -jt : justify the output to the top (right side of the screen) -mb spaces : specify the bottom margin (default is 5 spaces). This will usually not have any effect unless the -jb or -zz options are used -mt spaces : specify the top margin (default is 5 spaces). This will usually not have any effect unless the -jt or -zz options are used -o lines : overlap the letters output by the specified number of lines. A maximum overlap value is specified in each font and is used if it's smaller than the value specified on the command line. This option has priority over the -s option -of : flip the overlap style. The default style is to have each letter on top of the next one; this option places each letter under the next one -s lines : this changes the line spacing between letters from the default specified in the font. This parameter is ignored in overlap mode -t : transparent mode (this has no effect except in overlap mode). If a space is being used as a fill character, by default it will hide anything under it. This option says to let underlying characters show through i.e. ----------- ----------- | | | | ----- ----- ----- ----- | |,-. ,-. | |,-. ,-. ----- ----- | | becomes ----- ----- | | | |----' | | | `|----' | ----------- | ----------- | | ,-----. | | ,-----. | | | | | | | | | `-' `-' `-' `-' -v : version number. This simply shows the version number of the program. Other command line parameters are ignored -w : change line width. The default width (used for centering, etc.) is 80 characters; this allows you to set a different value -zs : sets the number of steps the output takes accross the screen when zig-zag is enabled (default = 5) -zz : zig-zag mode. This causes the output to zig-zag up and down between the top and bottom margins. By default lettering starts in the middle; to have it start at the top or bottom, use the -jt or -jb options Just a few notes/reminders: - if the overlap ( -o ) option is specified, the spacing ( -s ) option is ignored - the transparent mode ( -t ) option is meaningless unless the font is being used in overlap mode with a space for a fill character - if the version ( -v ) or help ( -? ) options are specified, the program provides the requested information and terminates, ignoring any other command line parameters - if both the top justification ( -jt ) and bottom justification ( -jb ) options are given, the one given second is the one used - the amount of overlap allowed depends on the font and the value is set in the font header information - when specifying the font to use ( -f ), don't include the .BAN extension - the primary fill character is implemented after the secondary fill character - to specify a space for the fill character, use double quotation marks (i.e. " " ) - if a font has a primary and secondary fill character, but it's changing both to the primary fill character, it may be the you've specified the secondary fill character to be the same as the character used to represent the primary fill in the font design, in which case it becomes overwritten by the primary fill - to obtain a list of the characteristics of a given font, run the program FONTINFO on it (i.e. FONTINFO fontname) External Programs to Change the Output -------------------------------------- Included in the zipfile is a program called Slant. What this program does is shift the lines in the specified input file back and forth to produce a wavy effect. The amount of wave is +/- 7 spaces by default, but any number can be provided on the command line after the input file name. Note that if you state too big a number, the output will be clipped. As with the other programs, the output is sent to the screen and can be captured by piping it to a file with the right triangle bracket. i.e.: SLANT banner.txt 8 > newbanr.txt At the moment, Slant is the only external program for changing the look of the output. Hugware? -------- FABS is Hugware. This means that registering your copy does not involve paying fees, or sending in forms (though an e-mail to say what you think might be nice), or anything like that. To register your copy of the software, you must simply find someone and give them a hug. Users are encouraged to register their copies as many times as they like. =) Archive Files ------------- The following files should be included in the ZIP file: FABS.TXT - this text file FABS.EXE - FABS main program (Version 1.0) FONTINFO.EXE - program to provide information on a font SLANT.EXE - program to make a banner "wavy" STANDARD.BAN - the STANDARD banner font System Requirements ------------------- To tell the truth, I'm not entirely sure. (Can you tell I'm new at this?) The program is text based, so it should run on any monitor that supports 80x25 text mode. Colour is not used, so monochrome doesn't matter. Future Enhancements ------------------- As time permits (which it rarely does) I'll try and fix any bugs that people report, and maybe add some new options (like building the FONTINFO program right into FABS). Another option may be native support for Figlet fonts so users can use the larger ones for banners as well. My main efforts at first though may center on providing some more utilities to aid people in making new fonts, so a font base can be built up for general use. Who is Softouch Software? ------------------------- At the moment, the CEO of Softouch Software is Sir Isle the Armourless, a KiTA of CuddleLand from 1994 (who still hopes to find the time someday to return to the place that gave him birth, even though he's heard it's changed). Sir Isle is also the head programmer (only programmer, actually), document writer, and idea co-ordinator. In other words, he is, or should I say, I am the staff (though my close friend the Hug Junkie has lent important hugs and moral support). As time permits (and ideas come), I will be adding new software titles to Softouch's line of hugware. I have ideas for several at the moment, but to find out what they are, you'll have to keep an eye on the Softouch Software homepage. Don't Be Confused... -------------------- In my web browsing, I discovered a company called Softouch Systems at www.softouch.com. THIS IS NOT ME! I have no affiliation with them or even knowledge of what they do, so if you ever do a web search on Softouch and wind up there, you're in the wrong place. The FABS Homepage ----------------- The official FABS homepage is located at http://www.angelfire.com/il/fabs This is where you'll find new fonts, new utilities, and the latest version of the program. Angelfire can be a bit slow at times, I know, so when I get chance I'll be setting up a mirror on my homepage on Geocities. Stay tuned to the FABS page for news of when this occurs. Contacting Softouch Software ---------------------------- The official Softouch Software homepage presently resides at http://www.grfn.org/~sir_isle/softouch.html However, due to the uncertainty of that provider's future, the homepage will probably soon move to either Geocities or Angelfire. On the homepage, you will be able to find the latest programs and revisions of Softouch's products. If you wish to make suggestions for possible improvements, new programs, or just say hello and let me know what you thought, you can write to me at Sir_Isle@geocities.com, or at Softouch's new address: SoftouchSoftware@hotmail.com That's all for now. Keep an eye out for upcoming software releases, and have a great day. *hugs* Sir Isle CEO, Softouch Software Revision History ---------------- 18/07/97 - Initial release of FABS (rev. 1.0)