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Tha Hot Spot-Erin's Bio

Hey! My name is Erin and like I said before I'm renovating the page after three years of neglect. I'm from Southern Illinois. Now I'm a freshman at the University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana and loving it. I'm an advertising/spanish major. I decided to put this page up mainly just to see if I could do it. Also I was tired of not finding any full length songs and videos on the web so I decided to put some together. (Be sure to check out the multimedia sections.) That's about all I have to tell you. Your opinions matter to me to make you sure you send me some feedback. (click the feedback button at the bottom of the main page.) If you like what you see you can recommend my sight to your friends by clicking the pass it on button at the bottom of the main page. Oh, and of course, don't forget to show some love by signing the guestbook. Thanks for hitting the spot.