Tears of a Broken Heart
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Tears of a Broken Heart

Tears of a broken heart caused by only you. Your love was like a fantasy it was too good to be true.

You were the only one for me you were all I wanted and more. Looking deep down within me you were the one that I adored.

Bring me back those days of honesty when you were once by my side. What we had was thought to last for eternity but you straight out lied.

At one time in my life, I needed you so much you said, "Now that we're together, we'll stay like this forever." I tried for your smiled, I longed for your touch you also said, "I'll leave you never."

Tears in my eyes caused by pain without you I felt I could not go on. Day and night, my tears fell like the rain but now I realize I have to be strong.

The problems we had were few I thought that we'd forever be. You told me you loved me, and I believed it to be true but now what we had has faded away to a memory.

Why did out love have to end this way a way in which could not be seen? Could it have waited for one more day? I guess not, so now it is time to wipe the slate clean.

The Castle

Email: ChiGirl