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Welcome To The Drewness

Greetings, friends and family! This is my improved homepage. It's been awhile since I've updated this, so I decided to scrap the entire thing and start totally over!

Above this is the fabled drow elf, Drizzt Do'Urden. Hopefully, if funds go correctly, this will be my Halloween Costume. Yes, I'd cut my goatie and trim down the length of my hair to go as Drizzt. He is, after all, the baddest thing with two blades *laughs*

Updated Drew News

As most of you know, I used to live in Minnesota. It's a great state. The people are friendly, but it's a bit cold most of the time. St.Paul was wonderful, and the Mall Of America is the coolest place a mallrat like me could ever want to be.

Most of you also know that I'm back in Quincy. For those of you that don't know why, I'll give you a little re-cap.

I met this girl named Mandi a few years ago. Probably back in the mid 90's. We'd been friends and we'd bump into each other from time to time. She's a cool girl--then and now. Well, long story short, about two years ago her and I started dating. It was awesome. Then, mid summer of 2002, we decide to move to St.Paul because she's going to school there. Now, she didn't ask me. I went of my own volition.

Well, while we were up there, I was paying all the bills and working 40+ hours every week to keep us well off. She went to school full time, and was doing great with that. We partied our fair share. She, however, wanted to party somebody else's fair share too. And I let her. I wasn't up there to control her, I was up there to provide for her. So, we come back for Christmas to this piss-ant town, and she went up to Michigan the weekend after Christmas to run sound for this guy we both know.

Now, as my luck would have it, I didn't want her to go. I felt that something bad would happen. suspicions proved to be correct. In a fit of drunken lust, they, this dude and my lady, ended up in bed together. When I found out about it, the following week, I was on the next car to Illinois. It took me all of 3 days to get my old job back, and to get back home. How's that for making a decision and sticking to it, huh?

Her and I still talk, and I'd like to continue to be her friend. However, she's making that increasingly difficult to do. I still love the girl, yes. I still care for her, yes. I'm just not sure if she can go one phone conversation without blaming me for what happened. *shrugs*

Well, that's my life in the past two years in a nut-shell. It's not that exciting, I know. It's my life, however, and I never claimed to be an exciting person. *laughs*

In More Recent News

My best friend, Cary, got married to one of my ex's, Jenny. The reception was awesome. So awesome that after countless trips back to the bar I even danced! Yes, that's right, I danced. The pet name for it around here is Drew's Drunken Dance Party. Fitting, huh?

I also got fired from K-Mart. After almost 5 years there, and going in on my days off and working 14 hour days durring the summer, the new boss, this ass-munching duder named Darrel, decides that he doesn't like my long haired ass and fires be get ready for it..."I'm not reliable enough!" How funny is that? *laughs* Well, I then went out to WalMart(I'm a sucker for retail, huh? *laughs*) and got hired in a matter of, I kid you not, three minutes. So, I work 10pm to 7am Friday through Tuesday. I get Wednesday and Thursday nights off.

One of my closest couple of friends, Randy and Jody, are getting married this August. I get to be a groomsman. Yes, there'll be pictures so you can see Drew in a tux. *laughs* Not saying that I don't look good dressed up. It's just very rarely that I do. I think I clean up nicely.

I'm also working on getting into a band. And I'm trying desperately to actually get pictures of my long-haired punk ass on the net. So, please be patient with me. I know I've been promising pictures since I was internet able(god, since I was's been almost 8 years...I'm old. *laughs*), and I'm going to get them. I swear to God.

My mom also got remarried to this awesome duder named Mark. So, now I have FOUR stepsisters. It's wierd. They live in Springfield, which is only about and hour and a half away. I get to see her once a month, but that's not enough for me. I miss and love my mother so much. She's the coolest lady I've ever met.

I'm going to try to update this page once a month, so someone remind me, ok? The E-Mail address is current, so feel free to write me!

This is my ICQ number. Feel free to pop up and say HI! 206229550

My Favorite Web Sites

Tool's Website! Best Band EVER
Local Band! Awesome Stuff
Astrology at it's best. I love this site. You can get your own personalized horoscope sent to you every day!
My Friend Randy's Page
