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Drokk! Its Judge Dredd!!

Judge Joseph Dredd, top enforcement agent in Mega City One. Along with many other Judges they enforce the city with brutal force, especially Judge Dredd. Feared by civilians, respected by all Judges, and looked up to by academy recriuts he is the ultimate symbol of what a judge is.

Dredd's normal routine of killing perps instead of arresting them as seen below

That's bony old Judge Death. Judge Death was finally captured be Psi Judge Anderson in Quality Comics The Law of Dredd number 1 after Dredd blew Death to pieces and Anderson absorbed Judge Deaths spirit in her own body. To contain Death, Anderson sacrificed herself and the judges wraped Anderson in "Boing" a product in Mega City 1 that seals things inside it....its like being in a sealed block of ice but it won't melt.

Sly in the movie.....Which brings a point of interest to mind. DREDD NEVER TAKES OFF HIS HELMET. That makes the movie totally inaccurate. Not once did Dredd's helmet even fall off in the comics nor did he ever think about taking it off. Stupid hollywood.

Judge Dredd Comic Cards!!
Violators Page of Stuff
Really good Metal gear site link above
