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That's Entertainment!!!

Believe it or not, I do like other sources of entertainment other than music. Blame it on cinema class in college and the whims of girlfriends both current and former. To all of them on this count I give a hearty thank you for making my life that much richer.

On with the show...



  • The classic texts can unearth some powerful things. Aristophanes, as quoted in Plato's Symposium, raises a very interesting theory about the origin of love, sexuality, and maybe even a little human nature. I may not agree with this verbatim, but the points that are raised do fascinate me and make me think.


  • James JoyceAlthough James Joyce's works often perplex me, they also fascinate me. Joyce always paints unique pictures of his characters and their settings, and for me, is a worthy if sometimes endurance-testing read.

  • Then again, Charles Dickens is another favorite of mine. If you haven't gotten to read and get really comfy with David Copperfield, do yourself a favor, get thee to your nearest library, and read this wonderful tale of triumph over obstacles, true love, and a life well-lived.

  • More to come...
