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AAA from Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas.-

*** Esther, Alda and Cynthia Moreno vs Martha Villalobos, Lady Metal and Poly Star.-

-- The Moreno sisters go on fast, mandhandling Lady Metal and Poly Star, then Martha enters and uses her weight advantage to turn the match over with some gutshots. Cynthia drags her out of the ring so Esther can hit a throug the ropes somersault plancha on all the ladies! Back in the ring, more gutshots and the rudas are on control. Cynthia balances the match a little after coming ahaed from some blow trading with Lady Metal and Poly Star, but then Martha starts punishing Alda, the rudas tried 'la carreta' on her, so the rest of the Moreno siters made the comeback, they did some missile kicks on Lady Metal and Poly Star, then Esther traded some near falls with Poly, Cynthia also exchanged near falls, with Poly Star getting a 2 count after a spinning torture rack drop, Cynthia used a JOCS for a 2, Lady Metal entered and they missed doing a rolling death cradle... Lady Metal uses a Romero Special variant, then a pumphandle backdrop for a near fall... Later, Alda and Cynthia team up on Martha, but the fat lady hits them both with a side plancha, Villalobos nails Esther with a sitdown splash, Cynthia and Alda dropkick Martha out of the ring, they and Poly and Lady Metal trade some moves, the Moreno sisters sent the rudas to the floor, they went to top turnbuckles, Alda hits a plancha on Poly, but Cynthia misses her plancha and falls on the floor!!! OUCH!!! In the ring, Esther armdrags Martha from a corner, hits a moonsault, misses another one, Martha hits a plancha, 1, 2, 3. The rudas take the match!! Martha challenges Esther for a title match.

*** Pentagon, Pirata Morgan and Jaque Mate vs Octagon, El Oriental and Blue Demon Jr.-

1.- Pentagon goes at El Oriental, Jaque jumps at Octagon so Morgan has to beat Demon Jr, soon, the tecnicos got their mast thorn to pieces and after a few minutes of punches and kicks, Pentagon fouls Oriental, Hijo del Tirantes declares the DQ. 2.- Rudos still on the slap-kick-punch mode, Pentagon hits a frankensteiner on Oriental, then a choking slam powerbomb! Things cool down somewhat, and El Oriental has the chance to show some of his armdrags on Pentagon, who ends on the floor to receive an over the diving tope!! Blue Demon gets to work a little with Pirata, at then end delivering a not that good tope suicida, Jaque Mate is also sent to the floor by Octagon, who hits a pescado plancha, Esther Moreno gets to the ringside... so does Abismo Negro, who throws some liquid at Oriental, who ducks so Pentagon is hit! Esther gave his brother a glass with beer or something, Orientral threw that to Abismo, and 'made him think' it was Pentagon the one doing that, so Abismo used 'el martinete' on Pentagon!! Oriental attacked Abismo, sending him out of the ring to deliver and over the top somersault plancha... Blue Demon Jr hits a hurracanrana to pin Pirata, heck, Pentagon got piledrived by a guy not in the match and Tropicasas said nothing... It seems that Esther was not happy with Pentagon 'sending El Oriental to the hospital', so maybe that angle is over.

*** Los Head Hunters, Cibernetico and Psycosis (LLL) vs Hijo del Perro, Heavy Metal, Latin Lover and El Alebrije.-

1.- The only thing of note here is that luchadora 'la Briosa' is working as LLL's referee. Brawling, the rudos even use a chair, one of the Hunters kills Perrito with a plancha to get the 3 count. 2.- Los Head Hunters, unwillingly, do a Cibernetico sandwich, allowing the tecnicos to brawl back, Alebrije uses some chairshots to take some revenge. Heavy tries to work with the Hunters, making them crash into each other, Perrito uses flying headscissors to sent Pyscosis out of the ring and hit a tope suicida! Usual stuff from Ciber and Latin, then there are some comedy spots with Alebrije, who assited Kuije into a plancha on Cibernetico! Of course, Kuije couldn't bring Ciber down, so Alebrije had to hit an over the top rope pescado on both... rudos start outnumbering the tecnicos, Latin tried to react facing one of the Hunters, but he was unable to bodyslam him, the Hunter delivered a bodyslam and an elbow drop from the top, he pins Latin Lover and the LLL takes the match.

CMLL from Arena Coliseo and Arena Mexico.-

*** Cien Caras, Mascara Aņo 2000 and Universo 2000 vs Brazo de Plata, Emilio Charles and Lizmark.-

1,2.- Tecnicos won in straight falls, the second one with Super Porky faking a foul.

*** Black Warrior, Ultimo Guerrero and Zumbido vs Antifaz, Tony Rivera and SUper Astro.-

1.- Antifaz gets to trade some moves with each to the rudos, then Tony goes on to face Black Warrior, Warrior baseball slides but Tony jumps and Black Warrior leaves the ring, Tony goes to the apron to meet Black Warrior, who charges but Tony intercepts a blow with a kick and then delivers flying headscissors that sent Warrior to the floor! Immediatly, Super Astro nails Warrior with a near cornerpost tope! Tony Rivera puts Zumbido into a Gory Special, Utlimo goes for the save but Antifaz gets him before with a plancha, then nails him with a moonsault twisted into a bodyblock from the top turnbuckle for the 3 count as the tecnicos get the fall.

2.- The rudos take over with a moderate brawling, after a short time, Zumbido placed Tony on the top turnbuckle, while Ultimo delivered a fireman carry slam on Antifaz on the opposing corner, Zumbido went on to do his moonsault on Antifaz while Ultim Guerrero did his reverse corner suplex on Tony. The tecnicos got pinned and the fall count went even.

3.- They cut off most of the fall, they did show Antifaz and Tony hitting missile kicks on Zumbidosky and Ultimo Guerrero, both rudos had to leave the ring, so they were open for the tecnico's offense, Tony Rivera nailed Ultimo Guerrero with a tope suicida, while Antifaz hit a crazy over the top running tornillo plancha!! In the ring, Super Astro tried to pin Black Warrior with a hurracanrana, but the rudo kicked out, the tecnico connected a roll+reverse tope for another 2 count, Super Astro tried a second rope springboard moonsault twisted into body block, but Warrior dodged, performed a bodyslam, went to the top and hit an elbow smash for the 3 count.

*** Blue Panther, Dr Wagner Jr and Fuerza Guerrera vs Negro Casas, Felino and Tarzan Boy.-

1.- Rudos dominate the fall, Wagner and Panther team up to punish Negro with Panther doing a press while Wagner delivered a bulldog, Fuerza held Negro so Wagner could hit dropkicks and Fuerza got the pin while Blue Panther used a fisherman suplex to pin Felino. 2.- The rudos are too much of a good thing for the tecnicos, they do a lot of double and triple team attacks and keep the fall going their way until Negro uses his kicks on Wagner, Negro used 'la casita' but Panther made the save, Dr Wagner Jr went for a suplex but Negro slipped away and nailed the rudo with a reverse DDT! Tarzan faced Fuerza, after a while, the rudo went to the floor allowing Tarzan Boy to hit a plancha from the top! Felino delivers Hurracanrana on Panther for a 2 count, then a moonsault from the corner for another near fall, Panther reacts with a powerslam, goes to the top, but Negro dropkicks him off to the floor, Felino performs a second rope somersault plancha on Blue Panther! Wagner with a shoulderblock on Negro, whips him to a corner and follows in to hit clothesline, again... Wagner seems to go for a lyger bomb, but he and Negro go over the top to the floor, Fuerza runs as if going to hit tope suicida, but Tarzan is waiting on a corner, he falls short and Fuerza Guerrera does 'the Fuerza punt' and gets the match.

Too many 2-0 matches this week, next week should be very good with CMLL's main event having Blue Panther, Dr Wagner Jr, Shocker and Scorpio Jr taking on Negro Casas, Felino, Mr Niebla and Lyger!!! What? This show isn't over yet? Oh well...

*** Rayo de Jalisco jr, Mr Niebla and Atlantis vs Villano III, Shocker and Pierroth Jr.-

1.- Dr Morales gets to the tecnicos as they're leaving the locker rooms for an interview, but the rudos get them there, brawling, more brawling, even more brawling, the rudos got DQd for 'exceso de rudezas'. 2.- Shocker and Mr Niebla decide to work a little, traded some moves and Shocker ended hitting an over the top somersault plancha on the tecnico! Rayo hits a back body drop on Pierroth, then dropkicks him to the floor, and goes to the top to do a plancha on Pieroth. Villano and Atlantis go at it, a guy with a Boricua mask and a baseball bat comes out, distract everyone, Fuerza comes from the crowd, handled Villano brass knuckles, knocked Atlantis out. Rudos got DQd again.