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E D lucha tv

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*** Vatos Locos vs Los Payasos.-

1.- Pump, whack, tuck, crash!! 4 way drop kicks, Manson hits a second rope moonsault on Coco Azul, Manson nearly falls on his neck there, but the fall goes to Los Vatos Locos. 2.- More Bato Bashing, they go into the chairslamming, suddenly, Payasos react, Coco Rosa starts using gay comedy spots that remind me of someone... Payasos win the fall although the final secuence was blown and done quite badly.

3.- Wildness errupts with Vatos locos delivering a triple tope suicida on three of the Payasos, left on the ring were Nygma and Coco Rosa, they go at it with Nygma more or less getting the best part of it, but Cholos arrive to beat Los Vatos, one of them low kicks Nygma (allowing Coco Rosa to take the pin) and a full 12 men brawl ensures, Cholos didn't do too well there, as the Vatos Locos more or less commanded the brawl.

It's been a while since I saw Vatos Locos, I think AAA wants to push some other stables, for instance, Los Cholos. BTW, I read on the World Of Lucha page (check the ED's links page) that Coco Rosa is Pimpinela Escarlata. I guess he could be. The Tv shows have not shown the full story of Coco Amarillo's unmasking (well, I guess they've shown nothing about that), but it had Texano involved in that, Coco Amarillo was know as 'el Indomito' before Peņa gave him the Payaso gimmick, and used to be a tag partner to El Texano, when Coco Amarillo was left with Coco Azul in the cage, refused to fight his 'friend', so Texano entered to convince him, anyway, Coco Azul kept the hood, and Coco Amarillo returned to be el Indomito, and has teamed with Texano in some matches, (none of them on TV), I guess Coco Rosa-Pimpinela Escarlata might follow a similar path...

*** Abismo Negro, ElectroShock and Pentagon vs Felino, Alebrije (w/Kuije) and Octagon.-

1.- For a change, now the tecnicos were the ones jumping on their foes, Octagon went after Pentagon and started beating him, soon, the Russian leg sweep+ Octaclutch ended the fall. 2.- Felino uses his speed and has some good spots punishing Abismo Negro and Pentagon, then is time for Alebrije to fight ElectroShock, they were feuding when Alebrije was a 'rookie', remember that? Tecnicos eventually lost to the rudos tripleteaming and gang tactics.

3.- rudos destroy the tecnicos and then spend some time killing Kuije, you know, it is a good way to gather some heat from the crowd... Abismo Negro even teases doing a fatal Martinete on little Kuije, just like he did with la Parkita not so long ago... but ElectroShock goes even farther by using one of those shock producer on the little guy!! No DQ is said so the match goes on, the tecnicos recover their breath and get enraged for the beating Kuije took, so they start the reaction, they pull off their spots, Abismo Negro goes for a frankensteiner on Felino who reverses into a powerbomb, throws Abismo out of the ring and hits a plancha! Octagon got two close pins on Pentagon, then the final Huracanrana to take the match.

*** Texano, Enfermero jr, and Pentagon vs Felino, Alebrije and Parka jr.-

1.- Rudos control the beginning of the match with little trouble, and lots of brawling, but since the 2-0 matches are all the craze lately, the tecnicos pull out one of those reactions out of nowhere to win the first caida. 2.- Rudos end up fighting with each other after the catastrophe from the first fall, hey, it's time to beat Kuije a while, then gang up on Felino, the referees are with the rudos, helping them to keep on the brawl. After a short time, Pentagon 'unwillingly' kicks Tirantes, it's time for the tecnico comeback, Felino unlaces Pentagon's mask (since Pentagon had unlaced Felino's earlier, it is a payback), they fight a while, Felino goes for a huracanrana, Pentagon takes Felino's mask off and reverses the pin!! Felino breaks the pin by... taking Pentagon's mask off!! They both use their foe's masks, something Parka and Lizmark used to do often, Pentagon leavest the ring and Felino hits him with a somersault plancha, Alebrije hits a tope suicida on ElectroShock, which then receives a top turnbuckle plancha from Kuije! Parka Jr gets some near falls on Texano, who then fouls the tecnico to end the match.

***Abismo Negro, Cibernetico, ElectroShock vs Hijo del Perro, Latin Lover and Heavy Metal.-

1.- Vipers Atomicos came out and jump on Perrito and soon the DQ arrives. 2.- Viper brawl, tecnicos rally back, the tecnicos work their usual tecnico stuff, nothing too special, Vipers atomicos return to the ring but are chased back by 'los Pandilleros', who are, I think, a local TJ stable. The non legal guys go away and the oficial fighters get all into the ring to do some 'hit and miss' moves, then is time for the topes or sentons, at the end, Latin Lover takes Ciber's mask off and uses la de a caballo to take the fall and the match.

CMLL from Arena Coliseo and Arena Mexico.

*** Black Warrior, Villano III and Mascara Aņo 2000 vs Atlantis, Emilio Charles jr and Ringo Mendoza.-

1.- Tecnicos get beated all over the ring area, Atlantis and Villano III are feuding now, although I remember in September of last year, it looked they could also be feuding, nothing happened that time, who knows this time... after some minutes of punishment, the rudos go to their corner (?!?!?!?!!!), things cool down somewhat, just to keep on the weird stuff, Ringo Mendoza uses a tope suicida on Mascara Aņo 2000, Black Warrior receives a senton a la aguyina from Charles... so its time to see Atlantis vs Villano III, Atlantis goes for a hurracanrana but gets powerbombed, the rudo gets the pin, but they have to protect Atlantis, so Villano 'had to use some help from the ropes'.

2.- Rudos go easy on Ringo, letting him and then Charles to work their spots, who cares, we want to see Villano and Atlantis, they go at it, Atlantis rips Villano's mask off, after a while, Charles and Ringo had the fall under control with the rudos ready to submit, Atlantis went after Villano's mask, but got fouled... and took the mask... well, the referees saw Atlantis with the mask so the rudos won, should it be double DQ?

*** Nuevos Infernales (Satanico, Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero) vs Olimpico, Zorro and Tarzan Boy.- Nuevos Infernales, Nuevo as in 'new'. I like the team, I guess that Zumbido instead of Satanico would made this team to totally rule, but Satanico is OK there to give them some status... hey, this looks like WWF SuperAstros!! With 3 of their guys... btw, I was in Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey some days ago, and saw that the tecnico team seems to be popular over there, as well as Zumbido and Pierroth, who also headline the cards...

1.- Before the good guys could reach the ring, the new infernales were in full rudo mode. Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero show some teamwork, not as good as Ultimo with Zumbido, but I guess they'll work on that... Rey pins Olimpico after a fireman carry into a powerbomb. 2.- Things get balanced, with the rudos keeping more or less on top, Olimpico sent Rey Bucanero out of the ring and then hit a wild ovver the top rope tope suicida!!! Zorro and Tarzan Boy, use ranas on the other rudos to get the fall count even.

3.- They got to the pin/submission+partner breaking secuence, Olimpico and Bucanero fight once again, they go out of the ring and start arguing, I guess Bucanero got distracted and wasn't expecting the pescado plancha from Zorro, as apparently, he got injured there, Ultimo Guerrero hits a bodyslam on Tarzan Boy but then goes to the top turnbuckle and misses a moonsault (unusual for him to do that particular move), but misses when Tarzan Boy rolls away, Tarzan Boy emulates Octagon with his famous finisher combo, but Satanico goes to the mat faking a foul, the referees believe him and the Nuevos Infernales win on their debut.

*** Kurrgan, Apolo Dantes and ... someone vs HeadHunters and Brazo de Plata.- Before the match, the Hermanos Dinamitas arrive to beat and cut Rayo's ponytail, during the match... I don't know... I think that Fat Guys won 2-0, but I'm not sure.

*** Dr Wagner Jr, Scorpio and Bestia Salvaje vs Hijo del Santo, Negro Casas and Shocker.-

1.- Scorpio dominates Negro, who then uses his kicks, blah, blah blah... Santo faces Dr Wagner, rudo starts strong but then Hijo del Santo hits a top turnbuckle diving tope (inside the ring), the evil doctor ends out of the ring, open to get nailed by a running silver tope suicida!! Shocker is not interesed on the match, Negro argues with him but falls prey to the rudo's attack. 2.- Shocker wont help his partners, so its 3 on 2 untill the DQ is declared. 3.- More 3 on 2, Wagner Driver on Negro. 1,2,3, Rudos take the match.