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Here's some wonderful poems my fiance' Brian wrote for me. If you like them & want to print them out for your own personal use that's ok. But if you want to post them on your site, please be respectful & E-mail us for permission. Thank you & I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. Please evryone come visit me at my Live Web Cam Site!!!!

You Are My Love

You are my lover, you are my friend,
We'll be together from begining to end.
I'll always love you, sometimes you'll say why,
Then when I tell you, you surely will cry.
Tears rolling down your face, no one could take your place,
cause you are my lover, you are my friend.
You are the only one that sees inside my heart.
You know the inner me, no one else can see,
cause you are my lover, you are my friend.

Many people let there dreams slip away,
but I caught my dream, the day you walked into my life.
You touched my soul so deep, I could never pretend.
Cause you are my lover, you are my friend.

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