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Star Wars League

Rules and Regulations

Warrior Requirements

All Warriors MUST be registered on the SWL site. Only one name is allowed within the League. The KV Keshik members will be responsible for placing warriors in the Star Wars roster from the Garrison (warrior pool). The Garrison will be cleared on an occasional basis to remove unclaimed sibkos.

War Rules

Kill based Wars

If a pilot gets lagged out/booted from a battle, the teams should stop battling by calling "Hold" then it continues to the next kill. You then exit the War and should write down how many kills each warrior has and restart the game with that many kills. If a warrior fails to return to a War after a lag out and a period of 15 minutes has passed the wing man of that warrior must finish the War him or her self. no forfeits. If both players on a team leave and do not return in 15 minutes, the war defaults to the other side.

A Red Torso Lag is considered a Kill for the Warrior who was battling the lagged warrior.

Once a "GO" is called, If a team QUITS a war and does not return, or refuses to continue a war once it has been bidded and accepted. This will result in a FORFEIT. This will result in a war being posted as a single Kill for each warrior of the winning team being posted Vs 0 kills for each warrior on the forfeiting team. A Forfeit may only be called in times of gross refusal and acts of Dishonor. If the war is in question it must be brought to both Nova Commanders for discussion or to the Khan or SaKhan for a decision, if the Nova Comm's cannot come to an agreement.

The first warrior to achieve the bid on number of kills calls a Hold. Kills are then tallied based on the HUD displays. The Star with the most kills wins the war and the Honor Points. (The only exception to HUD display is when a warrior kills his wing man, resulting in a -2 kill score for the offending warrior (-1 because this should have been an opposing team kill and -1 to subtract from the offenders kills. Winners high ranking warrior reports the results.

If a friendly kill is transmitted, call hold and determine whether or not it was a friendly kill or the DFA bug.

Mission based Wars

If a pilot lags out during this type of game, the battle continues until it is finished, and the other team receives no points for that dropped warrior.

The mission objective determines the winner. If mission objective is not reached the defender wins. Winners high ranking warrior reports the results. The Honor Points are then added together for each team. The War's winner gains ALL of the losing teams points, while the losing team gains 1/3 of the winners points (This is to promote the idea that everyone plays, and it's a good idea to send the best point matched wings against each other).

General War Rules

When a "Hold" is called you will power down your Mech (using the "s" key) wait for the Moderator to ask if you are ready and then power up on the "Ready" command. The moderator will then call "GO" to resume the combat. No pilot will fire their weapons upon entering the game until all the warriors have sent the message "Ready" or "rdy" and after the "GO" command is issued by the Moderator of the War (No one else can call "GO"). After a Mech regenerates, you may NOT fire upon it until it RUNS, JETS, FIRES, or 15 SECONDS PASSES, not just powers up, or moves! (Some joysticks IDLE at nearly 15 kph of throttle - e.g. Microsoft Sidewinder 3-d pro). Doing so will count as a negative kill for your team!

If you get booted from a match and you re-enter with a different Mech, you SHOULD know you accidentally picked the wrong Mech and tell the others so you can go back and try again. Using a different Mech on purpose is an immediate loss of the war. For example, you don't tell the others you are using a different Mech and keep playing in it for the remainder of the game, meaning that you then forfeit the match.

Legging and Leaving a mech without finishing the kill in a timely manner, will result in a -1 kill to the offender. The same rule applies to Hulling and leaving a Mech. Hulling is when you fire upon a mech until you turn him red and knock off all your opponents weapons. Leaving a hulled mech and not finishing the kill in a timely manner will result in a -1 kill. A timely manner is considered around 30 seconds. This rule does not apply if the Mech that is legged or hulled decides to run and hide. If the aggressor can not find the mech then there is no way for him to finish it in this time frame.

Any use of Voice Chat or pushing the Voice Chat key (scroll Lock is default) will result in an immediate -1 penalty to the warrior in question.

Point values are added together for each Clan. The War's winner gains all of the losing teams points, while the losing team gains 1/3 of the winners points (This is to promote the idea that everyone plays, and it's a good idea to send the best point matched wings against each other).

Mech Design

All Mechs must be designed with the Mech Editor that came with The MechWarrior 2 CD-ROM. Any Mech designed with a third party editor will be considered an illegal Mech.

Ghost Weapons are an occasional design "accident". Though simple possession of a Mech with a Ghost Weapon can result in you suffering a Trial of Grievance by refusing to remove the Mech from your directory. Continual use and intentional design of such Mechs is considered dishonorable and cheating by the Knights of Valor and shall be ground for expulsion from the clan.

Absolutely no cheats will be tolerated. If a warrior is caught cheating he will be brought up on charges and if found guilty a punishment Dishonorable Discharge from the Knights of Valor will be handed down.