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Royal Order of Excellence Tournament
Outline and Rules

The ROE Tornament will be held once a month. The exact date shall be shown in the calander and reminders will be posted via BBS as the date draws near each month. All Command ranks from Khan to Nova Commanders are elegible.

The settings will be C4, 1.25 gravity, hot temp, radar off. The actual planetary setting will be chosen by the Volunteer Observer at the time of the drop but will be restricted to "free for all" specific planets. All Warriors will battle in Timberwolves during first round. Second round will be fought in Hellbringers. If there is a third round, it will be fought in stormcrows. Final battle for tourney will be in Jenners.

Any warriors wishing to take part must announce their intentions to participate by e-mail to the Tourney Moderator no later than four (4) days prior to the event. Once all entrants have gathered, the Tourney moderator will pair off the initial wings. These teams will then battle against each other in honourable combat to five (5) kills on the HUD. The winners will be the team that has the most combined kills at that point. Once the first round of battles are complete, the winning teams will switch wings and advance to the next round of competition. When the final round of team competition is complete, the winning pair will drop in a 1 on 1 battle to determine the ROE Tournament winner. In the event that an odd number of warriors are participating, the tourney moderator will take one of the first round losing warriors, chosen at random, and pair that person off with the non-paired entrant. In the event that there are not enough entrants to perform winged contests (less than 4 warriors present) the tourney will be cancelled for that month.

Once a winner has been declared, that warrior will recieve the "Royal Order of Excellence" Crest to be added to their profile and also will be allowed to add "roe" to his/her rank. (example: Nova Colonel ROE) This Royal status will remain with the warrior throughout their career with Knights Of Valor and replaces any Elite designation in there ranks title. The Elite award/crest remains listed in the warrior's profile, however.


Rules Of Engagment:

-All mechs used must have warriors name on them to avoid confusion

-Drop as 2 teams of 2 with an observer

-Winners advance, but switch wings with new Opponents

-Final battle is between winning wing 1-1

-All battles will be to 5 kills on the HUD. Combined total kills at this point will determine the winning team

-No swearing or behavior unbecomming of a Knight will be tolerated

-Any and all disputes will be brought to the Tourni Moderator. All decisions by the Tourney Moderator shall be final.

Settings For Tourni:

-All battles will be C4, Mech size will be round specific. (see above)

-Gravity will be set at 1.25 & Radar will be off

-All battles will be held in a Hot temp environment

-Local will be picked randomly by Observer but must be a "free for all" specific locale

Good Luck Warriors and remember to "Have Fun"