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Favorite Links/Most About Sri Lanka

Lanka Web Window - Hosted by Government of Sri Lanka
Mano Vidya - An attempt at familiarising Psychology to Sri Lankans
Cricket Luvly Cricket
Sri Lankan Academic Net Work
Infolanka - A cool Sri Lankan webprovider
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Another SL web provider
Sri Lankan Social Issues
A university with a touch of class
All About TV 'FRIENDS'
Sri Lanka, the pearl of the Indian Ocean

Hello! I am Danesh Karunanayke and comes from Mutwal, Colombo 15. At present I live in Normal, Illinois where I am doing graduate studies at Illinois State Clinical Psychology grduate program and I am very excited. I spend countless hours logged on to in ternet. This is my first attempt at creating a web page. I hope I did a good enough job. If you happen to just wander into my page please check out my favorite links. Especially the ones about Sri Lanka. I am also interested in your opinion about the prevailing lack of emphasis in MENTAL HEALTH in Sri Lanka . Spare a moment and send me an email.

This Sri Lanka Web Ring site is owned by
Danesh Karunanayake.

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