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Here you will find archives of our passed years rides for the years 1998/99/00, 2001 & 2002

About Cyclenix
South Africa, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), England, Israel, America, Australia, Sweden.....these are some of the countries that form part and parcel of a group of mountain-bikers known today as CYCLENIX. How did this group come into being? Well, some time ago, October 1996 to be exact, John Cohen (known to many as Candy) was tired of riding solo through the Sharon and Dan area on his mountain bike and decided to place an ad in the South African Zionist Federation publication "Telfed" and at the same time in the AACI's monthly bulletin in an effort to find a few people who would be interested in joining him once a week cycling off the beaten track in the Sharon and Dan regions of Israel. He got two replies! One from Hylton Sher and the other from David Lewis and these three "pioneers" (sometimes with David's wife Ingride and daughter Naomi) started to meet on a Saturday Morning and have some fun on their bikes. Then David introduced friend Moshe Abromowitz and Hylton brought Jack Reardon, and not long thereafter Ted Silverman and his wife Dina joined the happy group. And so, Raanana Off-Road Riders was born. Through word of mouth the numbers of riders began to rise. Moshe put Raanana Off Road Riders on the net and we became even more famous. It was suggested that" Raanana Off-Road Riders" was a bit of a mouthful and the name "CYCLENIX" was suggested by Jack who also designed our logo. A mailing list was started by Candy to inform the few regulars of "the next ride" and from the list of five Cyclenix now has more that 85 people on its mailing list.

Today, Cyclenix outings take place in various parts of the Country. The group tries at least once a month to organize an "away" ride (not in the Sharon or Dan areas) and these "away" rides are all organized by Ronnie Feinberg (who has his own "Greenwheelers" group) and always prove to be great successes. Ronnie has put much effort into planning routes all over the Country and especially in the North and not only Cyclenix but Israeli Bikers generally owe him a big "Thank you" for the effort that he has put into the sport that we all love so much.

Cyclenix are responsible for a few "firsts" here in Israel. It was Cyclenix (through the efforts of Jack Reardon) who brought the International Mountain Biking Association to Israel. I believe that it was Cyclenix who put the Service Station at Yaqum on the map as a meeting place for cyclists on a Saturday Morning. The Cyclenix website (http;// has literally brought enquiries from many parts of the world about cycling here in Israel, and the person responsible for maintaining the web site is none other than "Jolly" Jack. So, from John Cohen becoming bored with his own company and one small ad in the AACI's monthly Journal for Olim, a very successful mountain-biking group has come into being.

Cyclenix sends representatives in many organized rides all over the Israel and also plays it's part in being represented in various "charity" rides. Our main objective is to bring people of all ages together to "have fun on a bike"


Below are some happy riding snaps from passed years.
Just click on a pic. to view the full image

1.jpg (39464 bytes)
The Group

2.jpg (26061 bytes)
The beginning

3.jpg (28404 bytes)
Still smiling

4.jpg (28076 bytes)
Up Up & away

5.jpg (26960 bytes)
Water hazard

6.jpg (38684 bytes)
Ingrid hits the water

7.jpg (38144 bytes)
David hits the water

8.jpg (32344 bytes)
Still smiling

9.jpg (31712 bytes)

11.jpg (27961 bytes)
Catch a breather

14.jpg (33224 bytes)
& again

15.jpg (43121 bytes)
Happy Hylton

16.jpg (26257 bytes)
Water Water

22.jpg (40458 bytes)
Great shade

21.jpg (33445 bytes)

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The Ride
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Tel Aviv