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Emily's Home Page

Emily's page is currently under construction. Come to think of it, no more than I usually update it, is it ever NOT under construction? Eventually, I'll have this page looking good.

Who am I? Good question...
I graduated in May of 2003 from Illinois State University, in Normal, IL. I graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education, and have to brag about my Magna Cum Laude designation. They finally let me graduate! Let me tell you, it wasn't easy... but I did it! :)

I'm looking for a full-time teaching job with my own classroom, but I'm currently broadening my horizons as a Program Assistant at Giant Steps Illinois, a theraputic day school for kids with autism. It's never boring around here, let me tell you! Every day is a new adventure, and I'm learning things all the time.

What am I up to now? Besides work? Um... missing Sean! Besides that? Well, I'm still a band geek... I play in COD's Community Concert Band, and in the Praise Team for the 537 Special at my church, First UMC of Downers Grove. We have a lot of fun rockin' for God every week... come hear us! I sing in the Chancel Choir at church, too... it's fun to be the youngest member singin' with the grey-haired folks! They're really quite fun if you give them a chance!

Coming soon (I promise!): pictures from my England Student Teaching adventure, and some great trips since... and an updated Top 10 list... but for now, Click here for some pictures of me, Sean, and the BRMM! I miss band! Go Redbirds!

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