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Josh Novy's Blues Brothers Page

Hi my name is Josh Novy and I think the Blues Brothers are the best singers and their movies are great to.. If you think so email me..
Elwood was always my favorite playing the harp I play a little harp and if anyone from Hohner is listening I love Hohner harmonicas and email me about sending me some free....

Some of my favorites quotes from the movie:

Elwood - "Hey Jake, I gotta pull over."

Elwood - "They're not gonna catch us, were on a mission from God."

Ewood - "Ya we'll talk to Bob.

Jake and Elwood - "Shit. What? Rollers. No. Yeah. Shit."

Torrantino and Elwood - "Are you the police? No ma'am, we're musicians."

Claire - "Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country, and Western."

Shotgun Britton - "Hey boy, did you get my cheese wiz?

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