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Welcome To The Home Of One And Her Offspring.

In Our days of darkness you call night we feed... We undead, demons......satan's breed... You glimpse our world with the illusion you need... of safety from undying hunger...
We hear your soul calling with a song to sing... of the sweet orgasmic pleasure you'll bring... With lust we watch you from shadows... Your frailty to be kissed, tasted,....marked...
In an instant you're caught with nails in your thigh... Clothes ripped from flesh...We hear your last sigh... We love you to death so please do not dread... This night will be your last...
Quenching our thirst and filling our need... We take your you bleed... Tasting your crimson on our tongues and lips... Like fine wine taking long, deep sips...
Your soul ebbs away through your vein... In Dark hearts forever to rein... A soul beguiled by evil... We loved you to death...

princess_One...inspired by SEXXX

Beneath the darkness we call night...lives our nocturnal breed..... Upon the flesh..blood ..and souls of men to sustain life we all must feed... Come now children thru the night.... Pierce their necks with orgasmic delight... Feel their veins pulsate as their blood seeps... Hear their moans..cries..and weeps...... Quench your thirst and fill your need.... Take their life as they bleed...... Dig your nails into their hips..... Taste their crimson upon your lips.... Take their souls thru their veins..... As their life slowly drains.... Life eternal is ours we know.... But only thru the crimson flow... Feed now children as I've said.... Feed now children of the living dead.....

SEXXX...inspired by Princess_One

Our Dungeon (song lyrics)

Our Casket (poetry)

Our Legacy

SEXXX's Chamber

Xaph's Poetry

The Video Game Vault

email Princess_One

Our Favorite Links

DEMONOID DELUXE Zombie 13 Experience!!!!
TICKET MASTER-Where The Concert info is!!

Web page designed by Carla

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