English 280: College Composition II
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Welcome to Fall 1999 College Composition II at Western Illinois University! Prepare to explore new writing methods, literature, essays, argumentative works, individuality, and the human spirit. Come to class prepared to discuss and analyze to the fullest and your writing will benefit you not only in your other course work at WIU, but also in your future careers beyond WIU.

Section 19 MWF, 10:00-10:50 AM, SI 313
Section 23 MWF, 11:00-11:50 AM, SI 325
Section 31 MWF, 12:00-12:50 PM, SI 325

Instructor: Jodi Cook
Email: mujsc5@wiu.edu
English office Phone: 298-1103 Instructor's Office Phone: 298-1218
Office Hours: M 2:00-3:00 PM + W 2:00-4:00 PM + by appointment.
You can always get in touch with your instructor via office visit (Simpkins Hall 138C), telephone, and/or email. Feel free to contact her at any time.
Instructor's Mailbox Location: Simpkins 122

A Pocket Style Manual, Diana Hacker
Different Seasons, Stephen King
Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck

Materials Needed:
Besides basic daily note-taking materials (pens, pencils, notebook, folder, etc.), you will also need:
2 HD 3 1/2" diskettes to save work and to back up work
University Email Account (Stipes 126)

Course Description: English 280, the WIU Writing Program's second required writing course, seeks to build upon the accomplishments of English 180 and to improve student writing in the areas of analysis, argumentation, and research. College Composition II will be useful in both personal and academic writing.

Course Requirements:
  • 3 Major Papers and 1 Comprehensive Self Writing Analysis (70%) Major Essay Assignments
    Essay 1 15% True Crime
    Essay 2 20% Theme Analysis & Connection
    Essay 3 30% Argumentative Research
    Essay 4 5% Writing Analysis - cover letters are to be included with *each* major essay
  • Small Writing projects: (15%) Proposal for essay #3 (due week of conferences) included in this grade, email response, etc
  • In Class Work: (10%) Including but not limited to assignments, quizzes, activities, rough drafts
  • Discussion/Participation: (5%)

    Grading Scale: Each breakdown (such as in class work)percentage towards your overall grade is set on a 100 points scale. By the end of the semester, all grade catagories will consist of 100 points. Each essay is worth 100 points and is graded on a 10% scale (90 is A cut off, 80 B, etc.). Anything turned in that is worth less than 100 points (such as a response paper for 20 points), is also graded on the 10% scale. If this is unclear, please see me.

    Major Essay Due Dates:

  • Essay #1: Wednesday, Sept. 29
  • Essay #2: Monday, Oct. 25
  • Essay #3: Monday, Nov. 29
  • Essay #4: Friday, Dec. 10
    Papers will follow the guidelines the instructor presents as acceptable. Each essay assignment will consist of a detailed assignment sheet and will also be discussed thoroughly in class.

    Extra Credit:
    A maximum total of 20 points in extra credit work beyond your normal required assignments may be achieved throughout the semester (and applies to your participation grade). Each extra credit item is worth a total of 5 points - you must see me for specific requirements to be met for each. Extra Credit may be earned through completing one or more of the following tasks:

  • (up to 2)Visit to the University Writing Center located on the third floor of Simpkins Hall. This visit and any others can only benefit your writing.
  • (up to 2)Written summaries and analyses of written works
  • (up to 2)Attend a live production performance of a play and critique
  • (1)Biography of one of the authors used in class
  • (1)Discuss and read one of your major essays

    Grading Procedure: All papers are to be handed in to me WITH a coversheet during the period in which they are due. Do not arrive in class on the day your essay assignment is due and expect to print your essay. Have this task completed before you attend a scheduled class meeting. Should you find that you are unable to meet the essay assignment deadlines, I will accept *major paper assignments* up to 2 days late, but keep in mind that I will drop your major essay grade for the late work one half (1/2) letter grade per day late. For example, if your paper is due on Wednesday and you turn it in on Thursday, your paper is one day late and will drop one half letter grade. No work will be accepted beyond the two day grant. If you are experiencing difficulties, need assistance, or extenuating circumstances arise, contact me BEFORE your paper is due. I make myself very available. Feel free to email, call, or stop by my office should the need arise. My office hours are for your benefit.

    Receiving a "U" letter grade: Throughout the semester, you may find that one or more of your major essays receives a letter grade lower than a "C-". The grade that is written on these papers can either rise or be entered into the gradebook as received. Any grades in the "D" range are considered "U" essays and can be revised/rewritten to achieve a higher grade up to a "C+". If you receive a "U" on any of your essays, it is in your best interest to rewrite or revise this essay for a grade (up to a C+) and speak with me before beginning. All "U" rewrites must be turned in with the next scheduled essay assignment. If you choose not to revise this paper or it is not handed in on time, the letter grade written on your essay will be entered as your grade for this assignment.

    Attendance Policy: It is in your best interest AND in the best interest of those in your peer group for you to attend all classes. Five absences are accepted throughout the semester for ANY reason. I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW WHY! Subsequent absences will result in a lowering of your overall grade. If you are absent more than EIGHT (8) times throughout the semester, EN 280 policy requires that you automatically fail this course (unless proper documentation can be supplied to the instructor).

    Daily Assignment Syllabus Major Essay Assignments Search Engines
    Western's English & Journalism Homepage Instructor's Home Page Resources

    Email: Jodi_Cook@ccmail.wiu.edu

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