Wednesday Night Wargames

Wednesday Night Wargames
Hi everybody. Due to last weeks bomb threat by the Red Army they are still present in the arena so these matches will be alittle short. Most of these matches will be for belts. And one will be to decide who will lead the nWo.
Slither vs. Blade Rancor - Hardcore Title
Blade Rancor pussied out when Slither applied the DYER'S EVE. Slither is the NEW Hardcore Champ.

Snake Handler vs. Phantom Lord - Submission Title
Phantom Lord suffered a serious back injury when Snake Handler executed the SNAKE HANDLE (PL submitted) then death vally dropped PL outside where he landed crooked on the steps. His back is soo messed up he can no longer control his bowel movements. Snake Handler is the new Submission Champ.

Gargantua vs. Westcoast Interigator
Westcoast Interigator was pinned after a little belly-to-belly superplex. But the thing was Gargantua put TCAP in the middle of the ring then did the belly-to-belly right onto him. Both TCAP and WCI are severely injured. TCAP now has seven broken ribs and WCI has a broken left leg and a torn right ACL and MCL in his knee.OUCH that hurts.

Napalm vs. Sampson - Heavyweight Belt.
Sampson lost after Napalm did 5 NAPALM BOMBS in a row on the concrete then Napalm threw him in and did a top rope piledriver. Napalm is the new Heavyweight Champ. Sampson is now clinically retarded.

Quicksilver vs. A masked wrestler.
A masked wrestler won after his manager came in and nailed Quicksilver with a vodka bottle. The manager's brother then came in and nailed Quicksilver with a guitar which busted him open and he received 38 stitches on the top of his sorry little head, oh yeah he also had to have glass fragments removed from his head from the broken vodka bottle!!! WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT'S THIS??? The masked wrestler is now taking off his mask and wait it looks like CLOUDBURST, yes it is the former lightweight champ and is now again the champ, he made a great return from that shoulder injury. Fans were baffled, when he came down it looked nothing like CLOUDBURST, he's about 5 pounds heavier and when he came down to the ring he was introduced as EL PUMPKINO.What a return for the Cloudburst and Liam Gallagher!!!!!!!! .
What's this. The Snake Pit, Napalm, and Bonehead come out to the ring to celebrate with Cloudburst. Napalm grabs the mic and speaks. We are leaving the nWo and combining with the Snake Pit to create the M.o.B. (Masters of Brutality). And just so you know these belts are property of us and our saviors, the ALIENS watching from up in the sky, we will now be leaving to join the Heaven's Gate Alliance and we are taking you all with us.
But first we must kick the shit out of the Prez. - Liam and Noel give the signal, the entire Red Army comes in with semi-automatic guns - Slither has the prez hog-tied and draggs him out to the ring by the hair. They untie him give him to Napalm, who NAPALM BOMBS him on the concrete. From there Slither executes the DYER'S EVE. Cobra then executes the COBRA CONSTIRCTION. From there Snake Handler nails him with the SNAKE HANDLE. - Dying Breed and the rest of the nWo come out to save the prez but the Red Army guns them down. Gargantua's brain got scattered across the arena and into some guys beer, he was pissed so the red army gave him a gun to kill the rest of the nWo. Too bad this guy was Bill Clinton along with 6 of his bitches curtosey of TCAP. - Back to the prez's beating- Some loser named Killer Kyle came out to the ring and tried to hurt the prez with the BALL AND CHAIN SUBMISSION, but with the prez's last ounce of energy he was able to put the little man in his own move called the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!!!Somehow Killer Kyle has the energy to blame some kid named Austin Smith for his injury!! Who the hell is Austin, Ahh Oh Well!! Bonehead put him in a SUPERNOVA and from there Cloudburst nails the SUPERSONIC BLAST to the outside. Noel and Liam beat the heck out of him then the Red Army puts 7 bullets into his head. Then Napalm and Cobra who have about 150lbs of C-4 plastic explosives give the final M.o.B signal for ever. and detonates the explosives taking out the BAWF arena. Luckily the Red Army was able to escape. The M.o.B. took out a 6 mile radius including the building for women's rights, and the entire block that TCAP Controls killing off all his dirty ass whores and some kid who goes by the name of "WESTCOAST INTERIGATOR," also known as Derek Minton who always says he's a pimp but is never seen with any women!!THATS ODD, how can you be a pimp without women???? Just to let you all know, this FED., known as the BAWF is no longer around because the whole thing was anihilated by the 150lbs. of C-4 which left a huge hole in the EARTH!!! Oh Yeah, this is also no longer the Prez., he's dead remember, this is the leader of the RED ARMY known as Pung Mow Ching, and the secondary leader Apu Nahasapinnapettalan and his cat named "MITTENS."Well this is the end of your stupid wrestling FED, you stupid Americans, go screw your whores and get drunk you pathetic losers!!! Signing off, this is your new leader Pung Mow Ching saying that the RED ARMY will be to America soon to destroy all you losers, along with our Alien pals from HEAVEN'S GATE!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA THIS FED. IS NOW GONE, FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO WIHT YOUR SPARE TIME THAN PLAY WITH YOUR DINGY OR PLAYING ON SOME DUMB INTERNET WRESTLING SITE!!!

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