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The Bakula Fanclub

Most of the life of Asjwad Bakula is a mystery to us. We, his followers, know only of his teachings, and interactions with his followers. During the 1970s he opened our eyes. He began his teachings in a most humble way. He would pray in parks and preach on street corners, slowly developing his following. Soon we saw Bakula and his religion embraced by a large and increasing number. He shed his light of inspiration in all directions, he brought us out of the darkness of ignorance, and led us down the path to enlightenment.

He mysteriously disappeared at the apex of his teachings. Leaving his partisans abandoned and confused. His book, and only KNOWN writting, was left behind as a guide book for his followers. It was almost an instruction manual of what do to after his disappearance. Most say that he had showed us the path, but it was up to us to walk down it.

We study the contents of his book and interprit what we believe to be encoded text. It contains apocalyptic warnings, religious principles, theories,questions and tales of life. Some have called it the ramblings of a mad man. Others have called it the work of a genius. THE BOOK of BAKULA stands as one of the strangest piences of American literature today. However, what looks like bable and gibbersh to the ignorant critics of America, is actually the finely encripted and intelligent messages meant for true believers to heed.

In his book, Bakula said he would return to us when the time called. "The forrest will open producing our saviour, and he will save us." Until the time of his return we bare the mark of the infinite on our foreheads. It is a signal of our beliefs, a beacon of truth in an ocean of lies. Without the mark we can never find true salvation, and our lives will be sept away with the second coming. So is the destiny of who do not wear the symbol of salvation, the sign of the ifinie. The Power of BAKULA. Until the time of his return, we all wait with eger anticipation and follow through with his rituals that will bring about the SECOND COMING.

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