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Avery and Nicole's Hoppin Hanson Page!

Tina the Troubled Teen

That was Tina. I think she's having a bad day, don't you think??

We wrote a lot more for the story!! Go us!And since we have not been getting the responce we would like, we are adding some new topics. Like new bands, know. It's going to center around the best band in the land, of course! Hanson! We promise to get in gear and update more often! Sorry or the long time hold up!~Avery91 Oh yes, butterflygirl, our guestbook is a tad empty, but if maybe link exchange would give our addy out, it would be fuller. Any advice, just give us an e-mail!

Hi guys,it's me Nicole.I'm gonna tell you guys what's going to be up on this site.First of all we're going to get a story up here.Isn't that cool?!And we're gonna get a club or newsletter.So check back super soon.We'll try to get the story up by tomorrow or the next day.Thanks heaps!

Go Here to read a fanfiction story my friend begged me to put up!

Go Here to read the story everyone has waited for! Written by the awesome duo, Nicole and Avery!

Go Here to learn all about one maker of this page, Avery91!

C'mon, Sign it Already! Guestbook by GuestWorld See what Other People had to Say!

Hey! Check out these cute guys(but not as cute as Hanson of course!)page!
Our friends made a killer webbie, go visit it and sign their guestbook! Trust us, their page is major!
