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*~Positive Things To Do Today~*

SOMETHING ABOUT ME!!! I am a 33 year old female in remission with Aplastic Anemia. I was diagnosed in November of 1985. I was treated with over 200 blood transfusions(red cells and platelets), prednisone(steroids), ATG(Anti-Lymphocytic Globulin), then, eventually had a splenectomy(removal of the spleen) in September of 1986. I was told I was in remission in the Spring of 1987. I can't ever be told that I'm cured, because, I never had a bone marrow transplant. A bone marrow transplant is the only known CURE. Unfortunately, a perfect match could not be found for me. When I was diagnosed, my white count didn't exist at all. My hemoglobin was 4.0, and my platelet count was only 500(normal is 150,000-350,000). Therefore, my immune system was "shot". I was open to get all kinds of infections. I was bruised all over, had terrible migraines, and low blood pressure. The doctor's even had to stop my menstrual cycle so I wouldn't bleed the little blood that I had left. You may be thinking, well, what's the miracle??!!?? Well, that was all of the negative information. Now, for the positive: I've been in remission for 10 years now; I went on to finish college(I was a junior when I got sick), and, I got married. I didn't know if I'd make it through the Aplastic Anemia, and, not only have I survived the illness, I brought a new life into this world! On March 3, 1995, I delivered a healthy beautiful girl named Alexa. Her middle name is Faythe(for all the faith I had to get through the illness). I had the child that I never thought I could have, due to all of the medications I had taken. I continue to have bone marrow biopsies(YUCK!) every year to check my bone marrow. I have acquired other problems from some of the treatments. I have Hepatitis C from all of the blood transfusions, bi-lateral avascular necrosis of the hips(from the prednisone), and, recently had spinal fusion due to a fracture in the lower part of my back. However, I still have my life and my precious little miracle, Alexa. With Aplastic Anemia, as for many things in life, it's a waiting game. One is always waiting for the blood counts to rise...always waiting for results. We can only choose to sink or swim. I chose to swim, and, I choose to keep swimming. I wish everyone who is ill, or who has a family member, or friend with Aplastic Anemia or Myelodysplastic the best! Good luck to you all, and, please hang in there!! For ANY emotional support, please e-mail me at



*Spending time with my husband and daughter(being silly with my daughter) *Singing *Listening to music *Acting *Giving emotional support to anyone who needs it *Writing poetry *Playing with the computer(of course!!!) *Bringing the child out in me(I love to have fun)! *Meeting new people*



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