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Hey there! In case you couldn't tell by the title of this page, my name is Tracie. I'm gonna be 18 years old in August and I live in Illinois. If there's anything else you wanna know about me just email me and I will tell you. I don't feel like typing it all out. If you get bored here then feel free to go visit some of my friend's webpages! And for the record I don't have a huge ego or anything. There's just a lot of pictures of me on here because I was very bored when I made this page a couple of summers ago. I Changed Some Things Around and I am in the Process of Adding New Stuff!!!! So come back if you wanna, to see that! :) Oh yeah and I almost forgot Please SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!! please? I like to know who comes here. And I will love you forever if you sign the book. I promise. :)

Links and the Guestbook

My GREAT friend Venom's page
Khitman's page
PICS of ME(page 1)
PICS of ME(page 2)
PICS of ME(page 3)
Pictures of my Family
Pics of my Friends
More Pics of my friends
Wise Sayings(well at least somewhat wise anyway)
My GUESTBOOK please sign it!
My old guestbook. You can go see it if you want to
