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AngelCat's Homepage

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Welcome to my humble homepage. This is a first attempt for an "old" lady. So here I am with a cup of coffee as this is driving me to drink,,lol. Always wondered what the Teenagers came in handy for. Now I know, to teach their "old" Mom new tricks,lol. My name is Reba. First off, the loves of my life are my 2 teens, Katie and Curtis. The other love of my life are my 3 cats.

I have a Black Smoke Persian who is my sidekick. Where ever I go in the house no matter the time of day he is there making sure I am doing things right. Here is a picture of him ticked off at me. He sure can give me the look can't he? My daughter has brought another feline into our life. It took him 2 years to fully grow. He is a beautiful cat, at times he has blonde moments,,lol. This is a closeup of Tazz peeking out of the cathouse, He is cream and white with the most golden eyes. He is sooo lazy though. Jesse has an inch of tail and is gray with some other colors. She was born natural bobtail. Jesse loves to chew on feet and she will not quit. The more you try to get her to stop the more she chews on you. Those lil teeth are sharp. Jesse is 2 years old now. She still acts like a kitten and she is into everything and is a people lover. She talks to you constantly and she expects to be answered, lol.

My favorite things I like to do are reading, be out in the great outdoors, and of course be on this computer so my stress level can go wayyy up *L*. I also love to cook when I have a chance. I enjoy being outdoors the most as there is so much to watch. The different birds & butterflies. The deers, opossum(he comes almost every night to eat), chipmunks and whatever else wanders up here. I also love talking to Spud when I have a chance.

I work at Dairy Queen. Making shakes or blizzards can be quite dangerous if you are in the line of fire,,lol. It is amazing how far you can make the ice cream fly from the spindle when you forget to shut it off,,lol. Or how much ice cream a person can wear in a days time. It is always interesting up there as you never know what a customer is going to want made. Or what a person sees at the drive thru as people come thru. At times you see more than what you like, lol. The customers can not believe how many drinks I remember. I have them drive up in the morning and not stop at the beeper as I know what they want and usually have the drink poured and ready before they get up to the window. Best thing is seeing the little ones smile and wave back at you when you wave at them.


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