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The Luge - Once is Never Enough

About The Luge

What is Luging?

A great way to have some fun
The tracks are wide reinforced concrete that wind through the redwood trees. You ride a 3 wheeled Luge Cart that has a unique braking and steering system which allows you to travel as slow or as fast as you dare, controlling your ride and creating your own fun!

There are three tracks, one scenic for those wanting a more sedate ride. The intermediate track for those wanting more of a thrill ride with fantastic views over the city (NOT for grandfathers) and the advanced track for those wanting the thrill and excitement of dips, bends and tunnels (ONLY for people not afraid of skydiving or riding in the right of the road). On the scenic track there are stopping bays where the rider can rest, admire the view or catch their breath.

Ride the Chairlift to the Top
Click for Enlargement


For safety reasons the end of the Luge Track is narrowed to create an orderly flow of people in line for the return Chairlift ride to the start of the Luge Track.

The rider needn't worry about getting the Luge cart back to the start of the Track, as the chairlift has automatic pick up and drop off for the Luge Carts.

There has been some problems recently so we added new requirements and rules to make this ride more safe and fair.



DO - Allow children 6 years and over to ride the beginners/intermediate track
DO - Accompany children aged 3 years to 6 years  and grandfathers on the beginners/intermediate track only
DO - Allow children 50 years and over to ride the advanced track
DO - Observe track before riding on map of track layout
DO - Respect other riders and NO CHEATING (MR MAZ!!!!)
DO - listen to your instructor and/or your masters (DR Andres Pena)
DO - Wear safety helmets provided
DO - Ride beginners/intermediate track before riding advanced track
DO - Double children on the beginners/intermediate track only
DO - Ride slowly on beginners/intermediate track (NOT AS SLOW AS YOUR GRANDMA OR AS NATALIA MAZ)
DO - Ride beginners/intermediate track before doubling children
DO - Report speedsters on beginners/intermediate track
DO - Return on Chairlift with helmet on
DO NOT - Allow children 50 year and older on the advanced track
DO NOT - Allow children 50 years and older ride alone on the advanced Track
DO NOT - Ride without safety helmets
DO NOT - Bunt into other carts, compete and pull shirts from other competitors
DO NOT - Steal pole positions from other better competitors
DO NOT - use weight articles hiding them inside the belly or abdomen
DO NOT - cheat (especially message to Mr Alvaro Maz)
DO NOT - Double on the advanced track
DO NOT - Bounce on chairlift and talk during ride
DO NOT - Ride advanced track before first riding the beginners track and especially if you are too slow!!! (especially message to Mr Alvaro Maz)
DO NOT - Speed on the beginners/intermediate track, please Mr Maz, only compete with kids and grandmothers!!!


The Luge Intro | About The Luge | Key Facts | Prices


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