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Welcome to my Home!


rainbow connection

Picture of me and my brother when I was about 3 and he was 5...we were so cute back then, what happened??

These are a few of my favorite things:

I have now been a student a Eckerd College in St. Petersburg for approximately one semester. I am currently planning on majoring in Biology with a minor in either Music, Religious studies, or theater (I am currently the secretary of the theater troupe here at Eckerd). Eckerd is the home of the Tritons!! Wahoo!! And I must say it's a very nice school although I don't seem to fit in here. I enjoy the teachers (especailly my Japanese teacher), and the location athough private and having no car I'm stuck here is ver nice, the campus is beautiful and small which is what I was looking for in a college.

I was involved in several extracurricular activities at my school including: Drama, SADD, Literary Club, Scholar Bowl, Science Club, Spanish Club, Band, and the colorguard squad. Outsid of school I am also in several community groups including Girl Scouts and Senior Youth Fellowship (church).

During my Junior Year of school, I was an exchange student in Skovde, Sweden. That was in itself and experience I'll never forget. I learned alot about myself, my friends, and other countries.

Back home is Freeburg I have some of the greatest friends a girl could have. Although some of them are already in college, I still keep in touch with them and I'm so happy we found each other. They've stood by me in all my troubled times and I've held them up when they couldn't stand. It doesn't hurt that we always have a good time when we are together.

A Few Links Around

The Outcast Alliance
Another Division of Me
My GS Troop
The inside me
More Links

