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A speaking. As you've probably guessed if you got this far, J and I took quite liking to the X-Men awhile back. We got to reading some comic books, watching the show, reading some fanfiction on the web... And soon enough, the seeds of this insanity were planted firmly in our minds. And from those seeds grew this site: our humble attempt to create a haven for those as obsessed as us. If you care enough to look, you'll find some sounds, some fanfiction, some pictures... Essentially, everything we've managed until this point. More is still to come, though. There's always more to come.

Well, despite the early start this page got, that's it for now. More will be available as soon as what 'more' will be is determined. Suggestions are always welcome, as well as fanfiction submittals, and fanart. Send in your opinions to the fan page, too, and those'll get posted pretty quickly. Well, hope you enjoyed your stay here... Now why don't you check out our other pages?
