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Our Aerie Current Aerie Officers Current Auxiliary Officers Past Presidents E-mail


We are located in central Illinois 45 miles south west of Springfield Illinois on IL. Route 29, 35 miles south of Decatur Illinois on US Route 51. Our town has a population of 6400. Our main industry was in the past Roses and other flowers. In years past we had more acres under glass and growing flowers than anywhere in the world. The flower industry has left to warmer climates because of energy costs. Today we are a bedroom community with many of our residents travelling to Decatur and Springfield to work.

We moved into our first Aerie home in 1985. Our first home was a remodeled restaurant. We quickly outgrew the first home and began a site search for a new Aerie home within the community. In February of 1992 we purchased an unoccupied grocery store that was to become our current home. This site offered us a large building and a chance to expand in the future. We began remodeling our new home in March of 1992 with all volunteer help working two shifts cutting, sawing, hanging drywall, painting, electrical work, and cleaning to get the building ready for our first Bingo session on May 5th of 1992. We have since added a combination storage/office space on the north side of our building. Our home is completely surrounded with a paved parking lot, and 10 acres of land.

Our meetings are held on the First and Third Tuesdays of the month. The Aerie and Auxiliary meet on the same night. We do something different than what is done in a lot of Aerie homes. At New business we take a short break and have a joint meeting with the Auxiliary. Each officer from both entities sits with the corresponding officer. The meetings have minutes, and rules, the same as the regular meetings. We are able to get problems solved as quickly as possible. There is no waiting for one or the other to meet to work on problems or future projects. This concept has made our working relationship become better as the years go buy.

Each year we have an annual Hats Coats and glove give away to Head Start kids within the community. These children are pre-kindergarten age and need the warmth of the articles to get them through the winter months.

We also host an annual Senior Citizens Dinner free to all seniors in the area. We usually serve over 250 citizens a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings, present them with gifts, entertainment for their enjoyment, and a visit by Santa. The dinner is usually served within 25 minutes to all seniors who are there. We have an outstanding response for workers on that day.

We also hold an annual Appreciation night for all our community Police, Firemen, EMT’s and Civil Defense people. This night has a free dinner and dance, with awards given to each department.

We are proud of the fact that several of our fellow Eagle Clubs consider us as one of the friendliest clubs in the area. If you visit us the second drink is on us. We always try to visit with any visitor to our Aerie home.

Our Home is open Monday through Thursday from 4:00pm until 12:00pm.

Fridays from 4:00pm till 2:00am .

Saturdays we are open from 12:00pm till 2:00am.

Sundays from 12:00pm till 6:00pm.

Remember the club room is in the BACK of the building.

We host the largest bingo session in the community. The Auxiliary hosts on Thursday nights with bingo starting a 6:45pm.

The Aerie hosts theirs on Sunday nights at 6:45pm also. Both nights have a unique paper card system that utilizes two games per card. This method has saved us several thousands of dollars in paper costs over the years.

Each Monday night we hold a Pool Tournament open to all members. We have two pool tables for the members to use. This tournament runs for several weeks, then a playoff is held at the end of that period. Then a new tournament begins anew.

We have championship horseshoe pits built by some of our members in the rear of our building. We host a horseshoe pitch each Wednesday night during the warm months. If you like to pitch some shoes come out and join us. But beware, we have some champions who pitch! They do love a challenge though. Home of the 2001 Eagles Illinois Horseshoe Tournament July 21st 2001.

There are plans in the works, to build a Ball Diamond for Softball, a pavilion for members to use for party’s, picnics etc.

We sponsor three Men’s bowling teams and two ladies teams on Friday nights. We participate in our State bowling tournaments each year. With many of our members placing in the trophy brackets in past years.

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Jr. Past Worthy President
Richard Trelz

Worthy President
Phil Palmer

(Illinois New Aerie Chairman & New Aerie Organizer, Illinois Central Zone Director, District #6 Director)

Worthy Vice President
Don Price

Herb Palmer

Bert Crowe

Denny Elmore

Richard Spinner

Inside Guard
Jim Puckett

Outside Guard

Dwight Brown COB
Joe Allen
Don Elliott
Buddy Brown
Steve Dean

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Jr. Past Worthy Madame President
Cherry Benson

Worthy Madame President
Gloria Girrulat

Worthy Madame Vice President
Jeanne Biggs

Leah Koontz

Beth Smith

Sharon Davis

Mickey Bradley

Inside Guard
Janet Crowe

Outside Guard
Donna Manual

Sandy Schuldt
Sharon Cross
Connie Price
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City of Roses Aerie\Auxiliary 4109 was instituted on the 21st of April 1985. The organizers were Muyrle and Margret Willoughby. To them we owe our deepest gratitude for the forethought of seeing a new Aerie and Auxiliary in Pana Il. Our Charters were received in July of 1985. The ladies received theirs first, on the 8th with the mens coming on July 25th . A joint presentation ceremony to receive the Charters was held, with B.J. Sims Grand Worthy President Elect presenting the Charters.

Our Charter presidents were Steve and Linda Mounts.

Charter Jr. Past Presidents were Oliver Kretzer and Hazel Elliott.

The following is dedicated to all who have gone before in leading this great Aerie and Auxiliary.

We the Aerie and Auxiliary SALUTE YOU!!

Past Aerie Presidents and Auxiliary Madame Presidents


Charter Jr. Pasts - Aerie Oliver Kretzer - Auxiliary Hazel Elliott


Charter Steve Mounts Charter Linda Mounts


Dennis Elmore Linda Mounts


Michael Rae Dede Elmore


Robert Hudson Pat Kretzer


Tom Biggs Hazel Elliott


Tom Biggs Jeanne Biggs


Tom Biggs Darla “Jane” Simmons


Tom Biggs Mickey Ferreri


Richard Trelz Deeana Gordon


Phil Palmer Hazel Elliott


Marvin Chasteen Gloria Girrulat


Don Price Kelly Smith


Phil Palmer Beth Smith


Phil Palmer Sharon Davis


Richard Johnston Gloria Girrulat


Jim Fleenor Connie Price


Phil Palmer Cherry Benson


Phil Palmer Gloria Girrulat


Phil Palmer Gloria Girrulat

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This page is in memory of all the Deceased members of Aerie/ Auxiliary #4109

Gilligan & Art & Ed you are remembered and will live forever in our hearts