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Wild Elf's Web Page

Welcome Traveller

Visit the Ermoon Convention Message Board

Check ICQ If the flower is green Im online! Send me a note via icq  14621651 is my number  

For those of you from THE COMPANY OF THE LOST SWORD on Ultima Online , Chesapeake Server. I am working on a web sight and hope to have one up and running soon. when I do I will set a link here to that page.

Meanwhile, if you could all send me your email address so I can have it on file I would appreciate it. send it to:

Please leave a short note letting me know that you are in the guild and who you are. thanks, Michael aka. Arthur Drakken

Greetings and Welcome to my web page. There are 3 main things you will be able to find on this web page. Information about me, Information about my adventures on Ultima Online, or Information about The fantasy world of Ermoon . and perhaps more specifically a record of adventures there known as The kadath

My favorite Links
Ring Game Pics

Ultima Online

The fantasy world of Ermoon
Ionia web page
Another Ermoon web page

The kadath
