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Whatz New!

Hi everyone! I thought this would be a good way of keeping in touch with everyone all at one time. So, I'm gonna try to update thos every day. I have nothing better to do, since as a rule, when I'm not in class I'm here at the computer anway. So, let me tell you my newest story. I really don't want this to be the same as my no more fairy tales for me page, so I'm not only going to write about Pito, but I figured he's a good a place to start as anything. So for those of you who I haven't just bored the heck out of with my Pito it is... from the beginning.

Here's a picture of him, he's the one all the way to the right!

The Pito Story

I'm back in that stupid little daydreamy stage again, and I need you guys to help me out of it. I'm so going back down that slippery slope I swore I'd stay off of. And to make it worse, I have absolutely no chance with the new object of my affection.

But let me tell you about him anyway...

I guess all the stupid daydreamy stuff lately has been about a boy in my Poly Sci class, Pito. I talked to him the first time Monday September 28th. Before that he was just always "the cute guy in my Poly Sci class". It's weird, cause with all my other crushes, I've almost always known them so well, but with Pito, I kinda liked him before we even spoke. I don't believe in that whole "love at first sight" thing, but there's just something about him. He has this charisma, I don't know, he's just great. And granted, even though I think he's really really cute, it wasn't just that. It's not completely superficial. He's about something, and you can tell that right away. In class, when he has on opinion, regardless of whether the professor agrees or not, he'll say it. He stands up for what he believes in. I've always been one to loose my voice in the crowd, so I really admired that. That, and like I said, I think he's really (okay, for those of you that know me, hot's not really one of my words, I just really love these graphics!!)

But like I was saying, I liked him already, then that day, I was in the student lounge, watching people make total idiots of themselves with this music video karaoke (is that how you spell it??) and he was walking past. He stopped and asked me if I was in his Poly Sci class and I said I was, then we just started talking. He was on his way out, but he said we should get together to study for Poly Sci on Wednsday.

Wednesday came, and I was soooo nervous! It was so great though, cause after a while, I wasn't nervous anymore. He's sooo easy to talk to, and he's soo funny!!! He writes!! How cool is that? He writes short stories! And he loves to read! I've never known anyone that has liked writing before. I just think it's really great! And he's HILARIOUS!!! We went to go get pizza later that day, and the whole time I was laughing! I just so enjoy being around him. And he's got this smile!!! I swear it could light a dark room. And he's nice, just really really nice. I really want to get to know him better. He gave me his number, but I've only called once for something not school related.

The last time we talked was Monday. Oh my God! You guys have to hear this one. He didn't make it to class Monday so he called to see what was going to be on the test, and I told him, we talked a while, then he apologized for calling late. I said "no problem" and then he said "You've got the sweetest little voice!" Imagine how I was. I was cheesing the whole day after that! Who am I trying to fool, I'm still all happy about it!

So that's all I'm gonna say about Pito, and like I said, I'll update this everyday. You guys gotta check out his frat's homepage. He's president, and eventually, they'll have his picture.

I saw him, and I didn't invite him!!! I sent him an invitation on email, but I don't know if he'll get it before tonight. Either way, though, he knows I wanted to invite him, and that's a good thing, right?????? I don't know. I'm just really confused. It's that he's so great, and I like him soooo much, I just don't know what to do!!!! I feel like such an idiot. I just noticed today, he has BEAUTIFUL eyes. Usually eyes are the first thing I notice, but they didn't catch my attention until today. He was looking at the prof, and WOW! they're really big and dark, and just really pretty. I'm really letting this get to me. Not good! But he's a great guy! I'll write more on Monday to let you know what this weekend was like. Hope he calls me!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

OK, here's the latest. He did get my Email, but he got it Saturday. I didn't even mention it, I wasn't going to at all, but before class started, he came by my desk and squatted in front of it, and said, "hey, I got your email, but not until Saturday. I came down to check it Friday night, but the hotmail server was down. Had I gotten it though, I definitely would have come" Oh my God! You guys just don't know! I was ready to die!!!! HIS EYES!!!!! Incredible!!!! So, then after class, I was soooo wired and i was really nervous, so I ran out of there so quick, and then he caught up to me and said "and you say I walk fast" And then we just talked. I don't know, guys, I really really like him!!! I sent him another email to see if he wants to get together to study sometime. I hope so, I'll let you all know!!!!! I am soooo wired now! I'm gonna be happy all day! And now I am so happy, I do the dance of joy!!! (Perfect Strangers for those who don't remember) I know, I'm getting too happy, a little starry eyed

Nov. 18... I decided I should probably date this from now on, since I update it so often. The newest is that Monday I got home, and I just couldn't stop thinking about him THOSE EYES So, I called him. We talked for maybe a half hour (you all know I was in heaven!!!) We're supposed to study today, so I'll let you know how that goes. What do you guys think? I'm soooo confused. I want this to work for me soooo badly!!! I wish i didn't have to go get uniforms that day. Did I tell you all about that? He had wanted to go out somewhere and he said he'd give me a call. He did, and i sooooo wanted to go with him, but I had to buy uniforms for work! But that would have been great! It would have gotten us out of school, cause like now all we ever talk about is our class. It wasn't like that at first, but now it is, and i just think it would be really great if we could get out of school, it would like change the direction of the conversation, don't you think???? But then, too,I would be a nervous wreck! But I could handle that!!! I could! For a chance to make this happen, anything!!!!

This is a little harder for me than normal, too, cause I don't have Peter to go to. Well, actually, that's on me. There's no reason why I can't call him or send him an email. It's not that I still like him, cause I don't. God! That's strange, that's the first time I can really honestly say that in like five years!! But that's why I can't talk to him about this stuff, it's almost like I feel guilty for not liking him. For so long, he was all I wanted, and it was like the one thing I could hold on to, my feelings for him. I thought it was something I'd have forever, and now that they're gone, I feel like I've betrayed him. I know it's stupid!!! But then, this is me!!!!! I wish I weren't so stupid! Not that it would make a difference talking to Peter. He'd give me the advise he's given me a thousand times, and I would ignore it all, like I always have. I've had the same conversation with him like a thousand times. I know what I have to do, I just can't! I just totally turn into a blubbering idiot whenever Pito's like within feet of me, and it's all I can do not to just fall flat on my face in a pool of drool!!! Well, I'll let you know what happens at our little study session!!! HAHAHAHA!!!(had to put that in there!! sure all you guys are thinking yeah right!!! I know I'm a lot of talk!!!! just thought that would be funny!)

Nov 23 Here's the story. Actually, it's not much of a story, it's just enough for me to realize I'm overreacting a whole lot. Monday last week, we had said we would study on Wednesday, as I told you guys. Well, Wednesday in class, he left so quickly, I didn't even get a chance to talk to him at all. I was really upset, cause I was so looking forward to studying with him. I saw him later that day, though, and he was really nice, I think he forgot all about it. Which tells me this: he's a nice guy, and he didn't blow me off to be rude, he just forgot, which means he wasn't really looking forward to it like I was, which means he doesn't like me. Which is ok. I saw him Thursday, and it was great, cause I had already accepted it wasn't gonna happen. So we were just talking, and he was really in a playful mood. He was asking me what was on my sleeve and then when i looked down he tapped my nose, and he was playing with my chair (it's one of those adjustable ones, and he was lowering it, things like that. And he held my hand!!! Ok, it wasn't like that... he just wanted to see my nail polish, but that's when I started getting swoony again! So Friday after our test (I'll let you all know how that went when I find out) I saw him in the computer lab, and I had sent him an email that my friends from u of c were coming to go to lunch, maybe he'd wanna come with us. But when I saw him, I couldn't get myself to invite him in person. It's a good thing, though, cause Alfonso and Paul said they wouldn't have wanted him there anyway. But, back to the story, so after he checked his email he asked me if I was doing anything that night, and I said no, and he said maybe he'd call me. Well, needless to say, he didn't. So, I'm getting over this now a little, and hopefully soon, it'll just be another sore spot for me.

December 2...Well, unfortunately, not much more has happened. I'm going to invite him to this party I'm having at my house. At least that's what my intentions are. I hope that goes well. I made a video for Peter telling all my little stories so hopefully, he can shed some light. It was stupid the whole thing me not being able to talk to him. So, I got over it. Now I just need to be brave enough to make a certain little invitation, and I'll be very proud of myself. I'll let you know what happens.

WHAT SHOULD I DO???? Vote here!

Until I find THE ONE who won't be such a sad story, I'm gonna set my sights on Ricky Martin (MMMMM-HMMMM)

What Else Is New?

I just heard from my friend Miguel who I haven't heard from in forever!(hi Miguel) Hopefully he'll have some insights on my current situation! He always was real analytical, thought I was crazy, though, but in a really sweet way! Other than that, I haven't had anything else new. Got a new job, that I hate, it's really boring! Well, I guess that's it, I'll update this often as I can!

Nov 23... I just heard from George Iftimie, and I hadn't heard from him in the longest!!! It's great to hear from you again George! I feel like whenever I'm really down, some great surprise like this comes along and puts everything in perspective. And I got some Email and signatures in my guestbook of really good advice, and I think now I'm gonna feel a lot better about everything! Have a really great day, all of you who read this!

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Well, I hope all my friends, and those who only know me from visiting this page drop a line and give me some advice!!!

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My general page
No More Fairy Tales For Me
School: All My Worries and Woes
Picture of Me
Pito's fraternity's page (they changed it, so I don't know if there'll be a picture since the Eboard section is gone)
