Jedi's Walt Disney World College Program Website
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Welcome to
Jedi's WDWCP Website

Please Stand Clear Of The Doors...Por Favor Mantengase Alejado De Las Puertas

Welcome aboard Jedi's Walt Disney World College Program Website. I am your host, Jason "Jedi" Kaczorowski aboard this informational tour through the Walt Disney World College Program. Everything I've learned about the WDWCP comes from living at Vista Way for 6 months, working at the Disney MGM Studios as a Custodial Host, returning in the Winter of 1998 for seasonal CT work and becoming a Campus Representative for the program in the Fall of 1998. I don't claim to be a "Jedi Master" on all aspects of the college program or Disney, but hopefully I will supply you with useful information about the program, help you relive old memories if you are a visiting alumni or perhaps answer some questions you may have about me. I hope you learn something, have fun and enjoy the rest of your day at Jedi's WDWCP Website!

Please select from one of my catagories to learn more about
The Walt Disney World College Program.
Warning: This info might be a bit outdated.
Please consult the official WDWCP website for
more accurate, up-to-date information. Thanks!

Update 5.19.04 | Try Jedi's NEW Blog
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Thanks to the nearly 25,000 Guests

that visited Jedi's WDWCP Page
since that faithful first of June '98.