Vampire The Masquerade Haven

This homepage is dedicated entirely to one of my favorite past times. Vampire The Masquerade Roleplaying. If you do not like supernatural things, or have a faint heart or stomach at all, you may want to turn back now. Any offense taken to anything herein is without exception your own problem. Thank you, drive thru.

Want to learn a little bit more about the real me? Click here to view my personal information.

Click here for some fun silly quotes that have come about from our tabletop games of Vampire The Masquerade and Vampire Dark Ages. It is worth it for a good laugh.

The Sabbat

~Lasombra~ ~Tzimisce~

The Camarilla

~Gangrel~ ~Toreadore~
~Brujah~ ~Malkavian~
~Tremere~ ~Nosferatu~


~Assamite~ ~Ravnos~
~Giovanni~ ~Caitiff~
~Follers of Set(Setite)/Serpents of the Light~



If you have a character you would like added onto the page, just email me the information and the URL for your picture, and I will place it on when I next update.

*~*~*This page is still under construction*~*~*

This page was last updated 2/10/99 at 7:00 pm Central Time

This Official Vampire Court Webring site is
owned by Erin Leigh DeMoulin

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