Professor Booty Welcomes you to....

Last Updated: 6/11/98


Unless you are Bob Saget

What's new in the Lab? Click here!

Question of the Week!

Answer my all new question in its all new format for the week of June 8 - June 15. The best answers will be posted!

Fight of the Week! NEWER FORMAT!!! Tell me who would win between the two opposing forces for the week of June 8 - June 22. The winner will be posted!

The Answers!! - Answers to the last Question of the Week!

The Champions!! - The winner of last week's Fight of the Week!

All the old answers to the QOTW and FOTW here!

Bitch Bitch Bitch - My critically acclaimed page of almost offensive propaganda! Complaints, observations, funny thoughts, rants and raves on various topics from the dillusional mind of Professor Booty and friends!

Celebrity Lab Visitors - See the actual celebrities that have visited my page, and what they had to say about it!

Bio of Professor Booty - Have you always wondered who the HELL i am? Well, learn about me here!! And see my brand new picture!

The Kids In The Hall Transcript series! - Check out the funniest sketch comedy show ever!

Booty Links! - Links (not the sausage kind); Other cool pages

My Dr. Frank/MTX Appreciation Page!

Learn all you ever wanted to know about my idol, and singer of my favorite band

The Crappy Club for Jerks

A new page by my friends and I, with more "Bitch"-esque propganda....and really funny articles. If you think the lab is funny, you'll love this site.

Sign My Guestbook!!

View My Guestbook!!

Professor Booty's Laboratory is ALWAYS under construction. I try to change stuff daily, if not, there will be something new by the end of the week. So keep coming back, and tell your friends!!------Professor Booty(Ryan)

Contact me:

Cool @$$ (although misspelled) graphic provided by Jesse Meyer

Since Feb. 1 1998, these many shmucks have been here:
