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Welcome to the unofficial Necromancers of Anicent Anguish homepage! This page is devoted to the Necromancers.... the coolest class of the coolest LPMuds out there! First and foremost, if you havent done so already, I recommend that you visit the The Anicent Anguish LPMud Homepage (The official one :) The page contains links to rules of play/conduct, Newbie help files, Historical information and other vital stuff.


For more about The Necromancers, click one of the links below: This page is under construction. Any suggestions or comments greatly appreciated please send email.

* What is a Necromancer?

* Necromancer's Skill Levels.

* Necromancer's Mystical Rituals

* ESP Home Page.

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To send me e-mail, click on the sailing letter!

Pages created by -Socko- [ESP] -The Enforcer-