3268 N Glenn RD 815.932.5171
Bourbonnais IL 60914 Mark W Duhon, Preacher
Sundays: Home Bible Studies:

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"If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" (John 5:46,47)
"If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead." (Luke 16:31)


In this day of many religious opinions as well as supposedly scientific reasons for abandoning belief in God, Friendswood Christian Church continues to present without reservation the eternal Gospel (i.e., the unchanged and unchanging Good News) to those willing to give it a fair hearing. It is a message that is rational, believable, testable, and able to be experienced. It is a message that gives hope to ones with no hope. It is a message that makes sense of a senseless existence. It is a message that answers the basic questions of this life:
  • Where did I come from?
  • For what purpose am I here?
  • Why is 'here' so bad?
  • Why is there such a struggle between good and bad?
  • Is this life all that there is?
  • If there is something beyond life, what can I do to prepare for it?
As expected from a Christian Church, the answers we cite will be from the Holy Bible. This, of course, assumes that the Bible is a reliable book to base our lives upon. Some do not assume this, having been convinced that research has proven the Bible to be definitely unreliable in its records of historical and scientific data. Jesus Himself agreed that if we could not believe His word when it talks about earthly things (things we can see, touch, research, and test), we obviously could not believe His word when it talks about the things of heaven (things we cannot see, touch, research, and test). So as we answer these questions of life, we will also cite, where applicable, evidences from the creation that support the claims of God's word. In fact, God has always intended for people to do this and prepared the creation to show His handiwork: "Since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities, namely, His eternal power and His divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood by what has been made...." (Romans 1:20)


(Genesis 1:1)
All of our beliefs are founded on the triune Creator God. Based upon the principle of cause & effect, an immensely large universe containing an inconceivable amount of energy (billion of stars) and existing for all time to come must have been produced by a Cause of infinite size, power, and age. Man proposes the "Big Bang" and "Plasma" cosmologies to compete with the clear proclamation of Genesis 1:1, but these can be shown to require far more faith than a Christian's faith in the first verse of the Holy Bible.

The two basic physical laws of nature, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, also point to a Creator! The first law states that no matter or energy in the universe is being created or destroyed. The second law states that everything in the universe is running down. Thus, the universe could not create itself and yet it had to have a beginning (creation) to run down from!

Only an infinitely powerful and complex Cause outside of the universe could create the universe we have today! Genesis 1:1 is the most reasonable explanation of our existence when it says that the triune God (Father-Spirit-Son) called into existence from nothing (created) the time-space-mass/energy (In the beginning-heavens-earth) continuum, the universe.

Not only do the natural laws of the universe point to an omnipotent Creator, but the principle of biogenesis points to a living Creator. This principle states that life comes only from other life. Though evolutionary believers know this is true in real scientific inquiry, that is, tests and observations, they hold to a faith that at sometime in the distant past life arose from non-living material! Again, the clear statement of God's word is in complete harmony with ACTUAL scientific facts.

The fossil record is yet another tremendous record of special creation as it reveals fully formed, highly complex organisms with a complete absence of their supposed evolutionary ancestry. The "oldest" bat known is the same as a modern bat. The same goes for the cockroach, ant, and so on. Space limitations prohibit discussion of probability theory that indicates that a blind chance origin of the universe, the solar system, life, etc. is simply impossible.

Finally, God created in six solar days (approx. 24 hours each). The days of creation had the borders of ordinary days (evening/morning) and were numbered. In Exodus 20:11 it states that, "In six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day...." If we cannot take these clear statements at face value, then no part of the Bible can be believed, just a Jesus said.

In closing this section, consider why so many disbelieve this passage. It is because men, who were not there and do not know everything, presume to tell us what God, who was there and does know everything, did!


(Genesis 1:31)
The world that God created for us was perfect, without death or "struggle for existence". Some would object to this due to the second law of thermodynamics, but we contend that if God can create using nothing, He can maintain what He creates at 100%. This indicates God's original purpose:
  • A close, continuing relationship with Him in a place uniquely suited for us.
  • For us to utilize the earth ("subdue it") for our benefit, which inherently includes its research and development, otherwise known as science and technology.


(Genesis 3:19)
Death entered this world because of man's decision to disobey the one law God imposed upon him. As man had thrown off God's one law upon his behavior and did what he wanted to do instead, God also removed His one law from man's home, the creation.

You recall that one of the basic laws of science, the second law of thermodynamics, states that everything in the creation, left to itself, eventually runs down (becomes more and more disordered; decays and dies). It was God's continual exertion of power, a 'higher law', that kept everything "very good" despite the second law. God took out the one law He imposed upon the creation that limited its action. The creation without God's 'higher law' limiting its behavior is dying even as its master, man, who chose to free himself from God's 'higher law' limiting his behavior, is dying.

Another, even more understandable way of stating this is that since man didn't want God's law, God did not 'keep up the house while the children went wild', so to speak. We live in a world of hurts, pains, tears, lawlessness, disappointments, and death because man did not (and still doesn't) want God's 'interference' in his affairs, NOT because God intended for us to live like this!

The dogma of evolution (which is man's attempt to explain everything he sees happening around him without involving God) states that through millions of years of struggle for existence and the death of countless billions of life forms, man finally emerged. The Bible record stands in stark opposition as it states that because of man's sin, the struggle and death we see today entered the world.

Satan, the one who tempted Eve and Adam in Eden, is also a created being. Good and evil have not been in 'eternal opposition' as many believe. The Bible states that Satan let pride in himself and his position drive him to reject God's authority over him. This occurred sometime between God completing His creating and the record recounted above. Satan already knows about the glories of God and has rejected being a part of it. He could be no higher than he was when he rebelled, so since he was not satisfied with that position, he will be sent into eternal torment (hell) when sentences are handed down at the coming judgement.


(Genesis 6:7)
God must judge sinful man. It would be just as wrong for God to allow disobedience to go unchecked as it would be for a judge to allow a law-breaker to continue his actions without fear of punishment. Since God can do no wrong, He is compelled by His own all-good nature to judge. The flood record in Genesis 6-8 is physical proof of God's hatred and judgment of sin.

Geologists study the layers of rock of the earth's crust. For a little over 150 years, it has been believed that these layers were laid down slowly over millions of years, but with such overwhelming evidence throughout the geologic record of catastrophic upheavals that cannot be explained by continuing natural processes, some geologists are abandoning this theory for one involving great catastrophies. Another reason many geologists are modifying their interpretation of the rocks is that the layers were laid down by water all over the earth. Of course, they will not admit to a single, planetary cataclysm, but will believe in many local catastrophies.

In these rock layers are buried billions of remains of plants and animals called fossils. Now, if one sees billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth, the logical conclusion is a cataclysmic planetary flood as described in detail in Genesis.

It is estimated that the earth had a population of at least 7,000,000,000 at the time of the flood (the present population is just over 5,000,000,000). Out of this great number of people, only 8 were saved. From this we see that God saves only those who were living under His rule. We also see that God didn't 'grade on the curve', allowing the best of the bad to set the standard. Noah's faith in God and work on the ark, his surrendering to God's authority and instruction, saved him and his family from the destruction that God said no human would survive.

So far we have seen that:


The question now remains, "Is there an 'ark' to save us from God's judgment and punishment for our sins?!"


(John 3:17)
Only the Creator can be the Savior of man, for it takes a re-creation of a person's spirit to be pure and blameless before God. Jesus proved Himself to be "God with us" by:
  • Old Testament prophecies that His birth, life, and death fulfilled.
  • The miracles that He performed, demonstrating His power over the physical and spiritual realms that He created.
  • Resurrecting from the dead, showing that there is life after death and that He has power over it.

Jesus gave the directions for how to be righteous when we face God's final judgment. First we must allow Him to do what we cannot do for ourselves: take away our sins and re-create us, then energize us with His Holy Spirit. We must then do what He cannot do for us: continue to live as the new person He made us into. How?

WE MUST BELIEVE IN GOD. (John 3:16; Acts 16:31; Hebrews 11:6)
This is really very easy considering all the evidence He has given us!
By repenting (changing our mind) about our condition and realizing that we are in need of saving, and that only Jesus can save us. (Acts 2:38; 3:19; 2 Peter 3:9)
By confessing (i.e., making known to others) our new belief in and understanding of God and His desire for our life. (Romans 10:8-10)
By being baptized (immersed), which results in our sins being washed away as well as the Holy Spirit coming and living in us! (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Romans 6:3-7)
By living a life under the authority of God. We are to maintain what Jesus attained for us: A pure life under God's authority. (Colossians 1:21-23; Revelation 2:10)


(Revelation 21:1)
Who wants to live in a messed up place like this forever?! This world has been subject not only to the continuing decay processes due to the curse upon the ground and the judgment upon the heavens and the earth, but also to the devastating destruction caused by the flood of Noah. God will remake the heavens and the earth and again impose upon them His 'higher law' of perpetual perfection. Only those who have let Him make them clean and have remained faithful to Him will live in this new home forever. He will live among us and we will be busy in His service, doing the things He desires us to do!

Those who chose not to return to Him control of their lives will also gain immortality, but eternity for them will be spent with the one who deceived them, Satan, in hell.

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