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The dice is loaded...

Requirements of the Game

1. Because of the chat room set up, the Forbidden Game is open to AOL users only. If you have AOL and love to role play this is the place for you to be! However if you dont have AOL don't worry, down below is the gates for the shadow world. Going in there can get you to a non AOL chatroom with the same set ups!

2. Because of the content in the chat rooms no one under age 15 should register, there is nothing bad going on in these chat rooms, its just for precautions, like many role playing games.

3. And of course, you have to read LJ Smith, because that's where the forbidden game comes from!

Rules of The Game

1. As stated before You have to have AOL, be 15 or older and read some of LJ Smiths books.

2. No more than two characters per person (believe me, you couldn't handle more!)

3. As stated in rule number two, you are allowed to be two characters but you MUST have each character on a separate screen name. (so for example you couldn't be Elena and Stefan because they wouldn't be able to meet each other and that would be pointless)

4. This is tough to determine, but your character should stay the same as the character was written in the book. You cant change your sexual preference, you cant have magical powers if your only a human, and you cant act off the wall if your character is super serious. So to sum it all up, pick a character that you can act out!!! (if your evil, be evil. If your nice, be nice) Im not asking for an academy award winning performance here, and you can add some style to your character but make it recognizable! And no, you don't have to stay with your 'soulmate' although it would be a good idea!

5. No made up characters. From experience, made up characters are not the easiest to role play out. There should be enough characters to choose from all the books.

6. Ok, unfortunately, not a lot of males read LJ Smith, so some females will have to play out the male characters. Don't worry this role play does not get into anything graphic, so if you liked a male character feel free to play him! Its not as bad as it seems.

7. People in the room must be signed up as a character in the forbidden game role playing game. No bystanders just watching. They can join the role play if they would like, but they must be signed up to enter a room.

8. Marriage/divorce/children: Ok, in order to get married the people involved must confirm it with Blaise and I. (E-mail me about it) You will get a offical document and that goes for the same thing about divorcing the person. Children. You can have children, but no one can play them out. (because that would violate rule #5 with the made up characters. You will also get a birth certificate for that also. So anything concerning marriage, divorce or childbirth come to Maya for that! I hate when I sign on and everyones lives have changed dramatically. Its simple guys, I cant make fun of you if I dont know whats happening! =)

So now your asking, How does this all work?

So you read the rules, and you joined the Forbidden game, right? Now your wondering whats next? You'll get a response from me (Maya) to tell you if your character you picked is taken or not. If it is, you can choose some others.

After you chosen a character I will send you a list of all the characters already in the game. (but if you want updates on who is playing you'll have to contact me at a later time or check out the updated website) You can add them to the buddy list, and if you go on and seem to find a lot of the people on, you can invite them into a room or ask around to see if there already IS a role playing game. Make sure you mention that it is a FGRP because there are a lot of NWRPG's out there.

You also can join the FG party list to see what the scheduled chat times are.

Codes and things...

1. Writing in this (( )) means Out of character (OOC) like: ((Hi, how are you?))

2. Writing in this :: :: means action or motion Like: ::walks over to Maya:: (although you can be flexible on this)

3. Writing in this << >> means your talking mentally. (so yes, only the appropriate people can hear or talk like this)

4. Rolling the dice can be used for fighting although there is no killing of other people. Dice Rolling rules