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Ultimate Rangers Outpost 7

Hi there welcome to my wonderful Opost homepage. What this page will have is the group we have in our Opost. Links that I like that are important, some page's that are important to me. I will be adding a prayer page, Testimony page. I am hoping to add some other stuff. My mind wonder to so many cool stuff. Let me know of anything that you would like to see. Coming soon hope will be pictures. We did a March for Jesus Saturday May 22nd, we had 10 Christian from our church that went. It was my first time going and it was an enjoying experience. Everyone was awesome, lifting the name of Jesus up. I also had passed my Phase 2 and know into FCF.

John 3:16"For God so loved the world that he gave his, only begotten son. That whoever should belive in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Tin Pan Royal Ranger Page
Main Ranger homepage
AG headquarters
FCF Rocks
Search Engine
story and sinner prayer
Straight Arrows
My Beanie Babies
Main Cyber Pow Wow page
Josh Cyber Pow Wow pager
Pioneers page
Prayer&Testimony page

Stuff on my page


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