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Wussup people. If you're here then its most likely you know me. Its not like this place is known for its information. Or really any information that would be of any use to you. Like I said, "Unless you know me". `Cause thats what the site is about. ME . So if you kewl with that. Click ENTER or the image above. It's all G- Double O -D good.

This site is dedicated to the memory of one of the most inspiring and talented women on the face of the earth. A woman who strived to push me toward my goals, no matter the difficulty. My English Teacher, and good friend..
Mrs. Nancy Leatherman
I hope to live life and see it as clearly as you did. May your soul rest in peace, we'll miss you...

DISCLAIMER- This site expresses my (John B) opinions. And mine only. If you don't agree with 'em thats your problem. Leave. You have the choice. Other than web-space, angelfire or any other person, coorperation etc. has nothin' to do with the management or construction of this page. It you have a problem or comment. Lemme know at