Welcome to Yuval's Homepage
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Welcome to Yuval's Homepage

Hellow. My name is Yuval and I was bio grad student in Ben Gurion University, Israel. The main thing that interests me in biology is evolution, and I am very interested in the evolution-creation debate. To learn about it, go to the University of Ediacara home page, and to take an active part in the conversation you can go to the talk.origins newsgroup . I have a Evolution vs. creationism page in which I try to explain what is creationism and why is it wrong.
Other thing I'm very intersted in is the Israeli politics. I just got a special report from agent Mulder about a supernatural explanation to the behavior of our prime minister. I also have an-Anti-Bibi page, and, to be objective, a list of reasons to vote for Bibi and a crazy links page.

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