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I have been following closely what's been going on in some states ( including Wisconsin, California and here in Illinois) regarding the treatment of State employees, their benefits and pensions.

I'll start by saying this. When most people decide to work for the state, they make automatic concessions. For the most part, no one working for state government is going to get rich doing so. There is more money to be made in the private sector. Plain and simple. In return, as a state employee, there is suggested job security and a benefit plan, which, up till now, has included a modest pension. Fair trade off for those who seek nothing more than security and to live comfortably.

Add the politicians to the mix.

It's no secret that "borrowing" from state pension funds has been going on for years. One Governer who will remain nameless in a state VERY close to home actually made the determination that borrowing from the state pension fund would be OK if the state made the entire contribution, taking away the employee's obligation to contribute. (2 governers later, the new guy accused state workers of "having a free ride for too long" and started employee contributions again. Not like the workers had a choice.

There's been much ado about what has been going on in Wisconsin.

Yesterday they took the first step in what will eventually the stripping of stste employees of their unions and their right to bargain collectively. No union, no contract, no agreement on working conditions, salary, benefits or pension. In essence, the folks these state employees voted into office to represent them are in the process of taking everything from them.

California and here in Illinois, the battle cry has been for "pension reform" for state workers.

If I've learend anythingthing in 53 years of life and in a 32 year career, when the cry is for reform, those who need reforming the least will suffer the most. While legislators are demanding employees take furlough days without pay, pay freezes, reduced benefits, increased contributions and face lay-offs and loss pension (the hope to one day retire), they vote themselves pay increases.

Being a basically uneducated man, I seek the simple solution most of the time. How's this: place all those who hold the fates and futures of those they are elected to represent in the same pool as their costituants and fellow public servants. Same benefits, same pay scale, same pension plan. Crazy, huh?

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