Deeona's Page
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Deeona's Page

My Weather

Click for Joliet, Illinois 

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Forecast Click for McAlester, Oklahoma 
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**Flint,MI --- *McAlester,OK --- *Fultondale,AL

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Ft. Lauderdale,FL




I was born in St. Joesephs Hospital on June 22,1971 at 6:46a.m.

I lived in Elwood (for 21 years). Now I live in Joliet!

I was in church all my life. I went to Elwood Presbyterian Church. On July 23,1976 I decided to accepted the LORD as my SAVIOR.


Aug.11,1997... I got a call from my half brother I have been searching for. I got his address from my step-Mother (Mary)! So I wrote him! Mary has been doing searches of her family and dad asked to do a search for his family and while searching for his family background she found Jonathan Lewis Brown his son from his first marriage! (Dad has been married 3 times now) He is going to call back Aug. 16 at 7pm and we are going to make plans to meet somewhere to go out to eat! I'm so excited I'm going to meet my half brother! I was searching for him under under my last name but he has his step-father's last name! So if I knew that I could of found him sooner! But I found him so that's all that counts!

August 16,1997.... We met at the White Hen Pantry in Plainfield, because he didn't know how to get around Joliet! Then we went to Old Country Buffet! He paid for Jeff, and I to eat! He told me" this is my kind of place. I can really eat a lot!" But when we sat down with our plates to eat! He started talking away and wasn't eating. And he finally slowed down and ate some! But didn't even finish! See, it was storming really bad and the lights started blinking on and off. Then total black out! Jeff and I kept eating! John stopped eating completely when the lights went out! He must be like my dad and don't like eating unless he can see is food! He was also nervous too. We stayed there for about an hour chatting away while everyone else left 45 minutes ago! The employees where cleaning and waiting for us to leave I think! So we walked out of the restaurant and stood on the side walk and chatted for awhile longer and I had Jeff run to my car(in the rain) and get the camera to take a picture of John and I together! John said he don't think it will come out because it's dark but I said I wanted to try anyways it might come out since I have a flash attachment! Then John said to my surprise "I'm not going to disappear. You'll see me again! You don't have to worry about wasting film on trying to take a picture right now! You can take it when we see each other again!" But I wanted to get a picture of our first meeting each other! So Jeff took 2 pictures of us! We didn't expect the other one! We started hugging and Jeff snapped off another picture! I sure hope it comes out! That picture is going to be a sweat picture! (The pictures came out so-so.)

He kept saying to me "you're so cute"; "You're so sweet" But I didn't say it but I thought "me cute, whatever!" A lot of people tell me I'm pretty! But I never thought so!

He works construction! He just sits and pulls levers is what he said! He runs a digger! He said that's why I'm heavy! I told him he isn't heavy! Men don't look right unless they have a little meet of there bones! He said "but I have a lot of meat on my bones! I have no neck!" I didn't respond to that! He is a little bit heavy! But for a man he don't look that bad on him! I don't like it when people say stuff bad about themselves! Especially if they are relatives or close friends!

He was telling me about his hobbies! He told me he likes riding snow-mobiles! He has two snow-mobiles! He has on built down to the ground! He redesigned it for racing across the ice! I told him that's dangerous! Man, I sure hope he never goes through the ice! I don't want to lose him now that I finally found him!

Feb. 14, 1998
I just got pre-engaged! We were at our annual church Valentine's Banquet and Jeff asked me to follow him he needs to talk to me. (I was weary at first) And I followed him to the sanctuary. We sat on the stage and he said " I want to really get to know each other! Will you wear this pear heart ring as a pre-engagement ring" I said "Yes of course!" and started crying with joy. He continued to say, "I want to see if I am going to stay in this job or not. I want to buy a house. And be kind of financially secure, before we set a wedding date." I thought the same! I am so happy!!!

July 5,1998 around 5:30pm


A 35 year old man (named Timothy Lewis Shrum) was fishing in a stock pond with his puppy and gal friend. The dog was swimming in the water. Timmy thought the dog was struggling and jumped in to save it. The gal jumped in to help bring the dog in. The gal and dog where almost in when she heard "HELP!". The gal got to Timmy and he was already under. She tried to pull him up. But he kept pulling her down and stuff. The gal couldn't get him up. So she went for help. Timmy wasn't found till 10pm. He was not alive.

July 6, 1998 4am

The police came knocking furiously at our door. We weren't sure who it was so we stayed quiet. Then they came knocked at the bathroom window. WE hear "police we need to talk to you" My first thought was of Timmy. A police officer was at the door (with a police chaplin). "Are you Dixie", the officer asks. Mom answers "yes". Do you have a son in Tioga, TX?", asks the officer. Mom answers "yes Timothy". The office continued and said: "There has been a accident." "Timothy drown in a boating accident" (misunderstanding: Timmy was thought to of been in a boat and the dog jumped out and Timmy jumped in after it. There as losing his life Nope wrong the above happened) Just as I heard Timmy drown. I started screaming and crying hysterically and ran into my bedroom and on the bed. My fiance hear my screaming and crying and `came and grabbed me and started holding me. As I said over and over "Why Timmy. Why Why..." (Jeff was staying with Mom and I till he got the house)

We had to cremate Timmy to get him here from TX. We couldn't afford to fly his body in. I had a hard time with believing that this is just a sick joke. or He is still alive in TX. --- I haven't seen him since he moved around 3 - 5 years. ago. So sometimes I feel like he's still down there sometimes. (Since he hardly kept in contact and was hardly to get a hold of him). But instead he is up there in heaven with Jesus Christ. And not struggling through life any more.

    June 20,1999

    Jeff and I watched a Michigan sunset on the South Pier at South Haven Beach. After the sunset and many pictures of the sunset Jeff finally gave me a heart shaped engament ring. I was so surprised! After 9 years we finally are engaged! I thought we would never get engage; let alone us getting married.

    OCTOBER 21, 2000

    At 5pm. at our church (Grace Bible Church). (SWEETEST DAY). I'm really happy to finally be Jeff's bride/wife!

    November 24,1999

    Left to goto Vienna, IL with my half-brother John to meet his folks. It was a long trip. It took 6 hrs for us to get there. But John and I got to know each other a little better on the way down.

    I had a lot of fun down there. We went sight seeing.It's is so beautiful down there. Lots of trees and parks. We also went shopping for food and John bought him some clothes. And he insisted on me getting something too. So he bought me a hat, and a sweat pant and shirt outfit. He kept telling me to pick out something else. But I didn't know what else to get. And I also didn't feel right him buying stuff for me.

    Another thing we did is drive through fields (of his buddies) and saw sights that could only be seen off-road. We found a cave but didn't have a flashlight to go through it. I wanted to go back to see it. But we never went back.

    At night we went to his aunt's to pick out videos she had bought up from a video place that closed. They have millions of videos. John picked out Westerns and I picked out Disney movies. I enjoyed watching both and so did John.

We had a great time. We really got to now each other pretty good. We are really close now. Almost like we've known each other for years.

I left on a train November 30th, because I had to go to work Dec. 2nd. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be able to stay as long as John did. But I had to go, or I'd lose my job. John came back Dec. 6th. But I had fun the whole time I there. He'll take me down again sometime when I can. He wanted to for Christmas but I have to work Christmas Eve. And don't want t be away from Jeff and my family for Christmas too. I've never been away from Jeff for Thanksgiving since we had me. And being away from him for Christmas too might be a little hard. But sometime I'll be able to go down there with him again.

(Note: I didn't actually have to be back until the 6th. Mom just wanted me to go wit her to education day. That's what I did at work the 2nd. I think mom just wanted me home. She didn't want me to go in the first place. I'm so mad at mom for doing that. She said there wasn't another education day left for this year. But there was for the 9th.)

July 23,2000


Mom called me right after church and told me the the neigbor's dog (or dogs) killed Ralphie. She told me she went inside to wash some clothes and she came back out to check on the dog cat. (We let the cat out for fresh air sometimes.) The neighbor asked of she had the cat out. Ma said yes, the Laura said that she's really sorry but her dogs killed it. My said Laura felt really bad. Both the back yards are fenced in so I don't know how she got over there or how they got her. (She's declawed so she can't climb) She was a member of the family to me!

March 25, 2000

I became a great aunt!

Baby Name: Shaun

Time Born: 6:47 P.M.

Weight: 7 Pounds

Length: 20 Inches

June 01, 2001

My Grandma Johnson died of cancer. She has Lukemia for 2 years. She's with Christ now. She will be sorely missed. She was 82.


I have 4 brothers: George, Timothy, and Edward , My half-brother: Jonathan (dad's son).

Eddie has 2 children Kyrstal, and Jay.

This teardrop shows my support against abused children!


Numbers 6:24-26

Psalms 23

Psalms 119:97-106 (The one I like most is **105)

Psalms 144

I love all of the Psalms but these are my favorites!

Jeremiah 1:4-5

Matthew 5:3-10

Matthew 28:19-20

Philippians 3:13b-14

I love all of the scripture!


I like to read: my BIBLE, and poetry.

I especially like to go: to bible studies, *fishing, *taking pictures, boating, *camping, *canoeing, rafting (not white water), volleyball (but i can't play much anymore cause of my shoulder), *roller-blading, *bowling, and ice-skating. {* = what I do a lot}

Then:I'm active on the drama team at my church. I love to do it. It's a great way to tell the gospel to people, without offending them.

I use to go to Minnesota every summer for 2 months with my family. We went fishing every day I loved it! I haven't been there since I was 14 or 15. I wish I could go up there again! As of Y2K I do a lot mor at church..: I help with AWANA, Childrens Church,Jr. High Bible Study, Sr. High Bible Study, and V.B.S. I do puppets and drama's for the kids.

Deeona's Page (webtv)

  (WEDDING PICS. on third page of this site!!!)

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Last changed: Janruary 03,2003 @ 10:34pm